Journal Entries

i've been thinking again

The other day I was thinking. I know it's a bad habit but i find myself doing it from time-to-time. At such points in time i like to sneak up on my self, while i'm distracted with my thoughts, and give me a good ol' scare to keep my heart ticking and get my self back on track. Which hopefully i will be soon. Alright here i go, so i was thinking about how wouldn't it be nice if I were to become famous and have lots of money so i could spend it on silly things such as six foot tall pencils and my girlfriend. Then all of you here would see me when i'm in the all the posts all over the world and say "Hey, get out of my paper, i'm trying to read that!" Perhaps you'd see my picture somewhere and say "Hey that's a rather dash looking fellow." Alsa you could never say "Hey I talked to him on h2g2." Because you most likely have never seen me or don't know my real name, which isn't hard to find out but let's not get hung up on technicalities. The point is that whether or not you know my name, you still would never connect it to a famous person because i don't have the name of a famous person. For those of you who don't know my real name is John Roy, which makes it a lot easier for those of you who where trying to figure out just how easy it was to find out my name. What's wrong with that name you ask? Nothing really, it's just that there aren't a lot of famous people named John. It's not exactly an exciting name or a name that strikes fear into peoples hearts like....Victor Von Bloodslinger. The only famous people named John that i can think of are all either country singers, popes, or murderers. Let me think this through....Country singer....gawd no! There's far to many of those and i can't stand a single one of them. Pope? Well, i'm not catholic but lets not count that possiblity out entirely. Hmmm...the last choice is murderer, as tempting as that career choice isn't i believe i'll look for some other way to occupy my time. Hmmm...pehaps i could be an author. I don't need an interesting name to do that and if i wanted one i could always come up with a flashy pen name. What do you think, would you read a "A Boook" By Victor Von Bloodslinger? Hmmm...a bit dismal isn't it, oh well i have plenty of time to think that over first i need an idea for a book. I would prefer to act but there aren't, Ah yes, how could it have slipped my mind, John Cleese, one of the greatest actors. Well then all hope is not lost. ignore this journal enrty, it no longer has any purpose. Toodle pip!

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Latest reply: Mar 30, 2004

college paper

If you are really bored and have a lot of free time come check out my college paper at A2121571 it's quite long and i don't really believe a word of it but it was fun to right. Enjoy.

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Latest reply: Dec 10, 2003


Stupid holidays. Stupid stress. I hate it. Not that I'm stressed or anything. Stress and nervousness have never really touched my remote personality. So then, why an I complaining about it? Because it /does/ effect those around me. Especially, I've noticed, the person closest to me. In order to keep her name secret we shall reffer to her as "Katie". Now this "Katie" is very dear to me. Her every whim is my comand. And her every pain is mine too. Lately it seems that she has been reciving far more than her share of pain. I fear that I sometimes am not as understanding as I should be. I have never expirianced the tramatic events that are happening in her life, though, as the significant other of the afore mentioned "Katie" I am sharing in it. I wish with all my heart that I could help her. I want more than anything for things to be as they were before. Perhaps that is not the true case I wish for them to be better than before. Though I some day hope I can have more control over this particular factor of my life I currently have no choice but to watch. This is no easy task, not just for me but for the both of us.
For now I hope that she will accept that I am here for her. I love her. Should anything arise that I could help with I shall. I appallogize for when I'm a jerk and when I don't completely consider your needs.

Though many things in life may change
I shall always be here
I pledge my love eternaly
To you my love, my dear
I post this here for all to see
To remain for evermore
For there is no shame in the things i say
So long as you are mine to adore.

I'm Afraid I'm not much of a poet but that feels right. I ask all of my friends here on H2G2 to pray for my "Katie" that the rough waves of her life turn soon to calm waters.

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Latest reply: Dec 9, 2003

On a long enough time line the survival rate for all of us drops to zero

If your looking for something humorous or sarcastic which are the usual trademarks of my exsitance, than read a different post. This is completely serious.

Today started fine for me, i'm a little sick but still ok. Then english came along. Second class of the day. It started out fun, we'd just had a large test so we were kind of celebrating and were watching finding Nemo. Then, with out warning another teacher comes in the room and our english teacher stops the movie.

Here's where my day gets F****d up. Crystal, a girl in my class and friend of mine, was was crossing an unmarked railroad crossing after a train had passed. Unfortunately, she did not see a train coming from the other direction. She was killed instantly.

This is the second time in two years that a girl from my class has been killed in an acident. Though this time it was different. This time it was one of my friends, not some one that rarely spoke to me like before. This time alcohol wasn't involed. There was nothing to blame for this. It just happened. There wasn't anything anyone could have done to stop it.

There everyone was, laughing and having a good time, then the news hits us and most everyone breaks into sobs. I don't. Now I deal with people looking at me, thinking that i don't care. They think just because i don't morn the same ways as they do that i am a bitter and uncaring person. They are wrong. Lucky for me I have a friend, Jerrod, he's the same way as me. We wandered off, while everyone in crying, to find an empty room. What do we do? We start making jokes. Not at Crystals expense, but at the times we'd had together. So there was our laughter, mixed between the wails and cries of the rooms around us. Should i die, that's how I'd want it. People Laughing.

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Latest reply: Nov 6, 2003


Well, not really. But tomorrow is my 18th birthday. So everyone send as many smiley - gifts or as much money as you like. smiley - cake for everyone!

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Latest reply: Aug 8, 2003

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