Journal Entries

All Change.....

Having been registered for less than a week smiley - wow, I've nonetheless decided to change my Space completely, even to the extent of using GuideML smiley - flustered (is this wise, I wonder...) so please bear with me whilst my new Space is under construction, as it were.... smiley - bigeyes

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Latest reply: Sep 7, 2002

Day 2

Phew, another visit to the world of h2g2. Is there any limit to it, I wonder? Probably not, but then there is virtual something or other....

I'm hoping to become a member of the Alabaster fan club, or similar. Isn't Goo awful? Here's hoping... smiley - grovel

The Flat Cap & Muffler brigade seem suitably nutty, too. Maybe I'll hear from them someday - say 2007 or so... smiley - ale

Hey ho...

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Latest reply: Sep 4, 2002

First Day

Well, I've just posted my Guide Entry. I wonder what response - if any - I'll get. I'll just have to wate and sea I suppose. I hope they're all NICE people out there.....

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Latest reply: Sep 3, 2002

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