Journal Entries

can't sleep

hum ho hmmm...... it is 4 am. What a disgusting hour. Whether you are up early or up late 4 am has got to be the quietest hour. I cannot believe how many people are online! Must be a 3 or 4 hr. hr. difference between the coasts. I suppose the east coast is awake.It is an 1 hr time change from here to the west coast.To make the best of it, I think I will stay up to see a sun rise. Maybe surprise the hubby with a nice breakfast. He will definitely think he's dreaming!

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Latest reply: Nov 7, 2002

later same day.........

I am going in circles now........hoping to spiral. UP. Spiral UP.Yeah, thats the ticket.Endlessly........I always ask Y ,then ask; Y ask Y? smiley - magicsmiley - footprints

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Latest reply: Nov 1, 2002

talking to myself.

Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, guess I'll go eat worms. **having a bad moment here and now** OH well, this too, shall pass.

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Latest reply: Nov 1, 2002

yippee yay ,having fun

It was a good day.I am wondering how many people get hooked on hanging here.I am usually reading a lot more news; left, right and libertarian. I do not fit well in any party really.For me, that means I am on track in the normal mode.Same with religion and philosophy. There seem to be a few here who love a good debate without getting into a huff and arguing. Although I have fantasies about making official entries , probably will not go there. I have a half way decent brain but I have lost memory. I sure wish I could do like a computer,have the chance to pick and choose what to remove. I would remove from storage(1)All Bad movies seen = Kansas and most top 10 US movies. (2)bad information =such as definition of normal (actually had that wrong until TODAY);wrong song lyrics;wrong spellings;wrong names (3)Unforgettable Images =war footage;nature, monuments or lives being destroyed;cruelty. You get the idea , it would be handy.I do daydream often. It has snowed here 2 days in a row. That means the end of allergy season. Yea Rah. I am off to make coffeesmiley - footprints

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Latest reply: Oct 30, 2002

airport search on vacation

I went to Northern California to see the big trees. Magnificent old living things. Just to touch something alive for a thousand or more years is pretty wild! I love trees. As I mentioned somewhere else I hug them too. I am not radical nor do I live in a tree but I sure would love a tree house of my own. Going through airport secuity I was throughly searched, as usual. Any more, and it would have been medically intrusive.Being perfectly innocent,I do not mind, for the sake of national security---ok. I was very surprized to have my hair searched this time! I admit it is an uncontrolable mop at the moment. I have always had a troubling amount of hair. Except for back in the Farah Fauwcet style years, my personal heydays of hair!MY hair is not long or that big now. I was asked if I had a wig on.Then I recieved what could have been a lovely head massage under different circumstances. I wondered what would happen if I did have a wig on or a toupee? Would they make me remove a wig/toupee in line? That could be embarrassing, humiliating. As it turned out they said my wheelchair was not put through properly, that set the alarm off. They said ;Their fault-------- nevermind. My neckbrace, wheelchair, hair and cane were apparently not suspicious afterall. Gee it must have been my superhero good looks and youth! I think the hair search is kind of humorous in my case, but I wonder about others. On the way back from my wonderful tree viewing vacation,was 1st time there was no extra security check on me, only ID.

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Latest reply: Oct 29, 2002

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