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I like my number. 201919

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Latest reply: Dec 14, 2002

Happy Happy

OH my I almost feel like I could jump up and down *dances in mind* Yippee Yay! My sis is coming! She is going to brave it, her first wheelchair trip through the airport. I hope they are not as thorough as they were with me smiley - yikes She is more bashful and reserved about such things.smiley - blush The airlines had a miraculously cheap fare, I was willing to go into debt for this, not bad $ though! We are so overdue, we need this, *twin blessings! smiley - smileysmiley - smiley THIS smiley - magic Sunday to Sunday! smiley - smiley I am hoping she will get interested in h2g2, she could add a lot of humor to the De Myelin Nation.

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Latest reply: Dec 14, 2002

Spelling and more.

Too much patience OR too little, will make one a patient. When one is a patient it takes even more patience. These kinds of life circles I do not enjoy.smiley - discosmiley - disco Into another relm now .....To me, to be concious, is also to have a conscience. To be unconcious is the only way I understand the possiblity of no conscience. smiley - weird (Con from com = together,jointly) smiley - discosmiley - disco Scary, that some humans have no conscience,socialpaths, but they are concious! Seems there are many people stuck somewhere between these states. Some are the *walking dead* (not a religious reference) as I call them, Semi-concious and /or Semi-conscientious.smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - ok *Now maybe I can spell them all correctly finally! I used them all in a sentance like a good student smiley - angelsmiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Dec 13, 2002


OK Journal Therapy Done. Quite an emotional eruption, last few days. Maybe I can get in the Holiday spirit now. I am feeling a bit calmer now.........the smell of cookies in the air smiley - smiley Nice start!

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Latest reply: Dec 12, 2002

who's your bully?

I got into hootoo, started dropping out of the news, just not enough hours. I checked the news after a month of only minimal TV news. I do not consider it the best source,just slightly longer headlines. I am also frustrated by "newsy-like" shows. WELL....I read more this week.. I have been mad but NEVER this scared or disillusioned. A BULLIES mentality is not attractive,effective OR needed. No matter how prevelent in our society. It should be no surprise there are more on the "playground". There has never been an overwhelming honest attempt to make life better or safer here (US). Any "safety" issues are in reality $ , power or lawyers issues. The power and protection of the indiviual is dwindling. People do not vote partly because; it is a part-time job just to check the constant dribble of mis-information all packaged for our convenience. FREEDOM is MORE than convienence. The terror has hit when and where people are NOT looking for it! From the first day (9-11)it was said DO NOT let "them" take our freedom. Seems to me we are NOW giving it away, to the paid BULLY whom conveniently takes care of problems.

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Latest reply: Dec 11, 2002

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