This is the Message Centre for Helen

Hi and welcome to H2G2!

Post 1

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

smiley - cheerup
Welcome to h2g2, I'm one of the community Ace's here which means I get to go round and greet new people on the site and help them get to grips with different areas and aspects of the community.
To start with can I suggest you check out this page made by one of my fellow Ace's, it's full of helpful links which will help settling in here much easier. If theres anything at all you're unsure about then please feel free to ask, I may not always know the answer myself but I'll definitely be able to find someone who will smiley - smiley

Whilst I'm here can I just salute your choice of bikes, I'm more of a car girl myself but a Harley can never be overlooked in my opinion! smiley - ok

Tink smiley - fairy

Hi and welcome to H2G2!

Post 2


Thank you for your kind welcome

I see I have a lot of work to do on my page yet, the poor thing looks most bare.


Hi and welcome to H2G2!

Post 3

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Truth be told I still can't cope with all the pictures and things, I just got my friend Ormondroyd to do my page and that was after a year or so smiley - biggrin If you would like to learn how to add pictures and thigns though theres a Guide ML (the programming language this site uses) clinic here which has easy to follow instructions as to how to add pictures and things... failing that you can just cut and paste their script like I did smiley - winkeye

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