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Organ Donors

Post 1


Organ Donors

“Statistics say that 13-15 people per 1 million are organ donors.”*

Two things hit me hard with that statement; why such a terribly low number and what the heck are the non-donors holding out for, a better offer for their organs? I am completely at a loss with this, my entire family all my close friends say “Of course I’m an organ donor; it is on my drivers license. What will I need with them when I’m dead?” So I must travel in a very small circle to not meet the “selfish” non-donors.
What do you think, am I looking at this in the wrong way?

* Canada AM TV News Show

Organ Donors

Post 2

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Wow that does sound really low!
Is that worldwide?
smiley - sadface

Some guesses and thoughts, though I am out of touch with medicine these days. Z and others would know more.

Been going on for what 20+ years.
Generally a child to 35 with a good organs is OK for transplantation. Maybe the numbers have not caught up to the issues yet.

WE have sign -up on our drivers license which is a good idea but other ways are needed. The hospitals need to know soon as possible.People need ot know there are many ways to give besides organs.

Some of the living have worthless organs for one reason or another. Aids and hepatitis and alcohol and drug problems, age is a factor.

You have to match the waiting list in a timely manner.

Trauma and surgery techniques are better at saving lives than even 20 years agosmiley - ok

Families that do not want to give up on their loved ones or cannot handle the thought of disturbing the body further. Often the family has reservations. Some religions and cultures are against the idea. Practical problems like families not arriving in time to give an OK.

Recipients need to be able to get to a major hospital within a short time if called. You need good insurance before during and after in order to care for yourself. You need to know you should be on the list and get put on it. The rejection medications are expensive and often unpleasant. The costs and proper facilities are prohibiitve in most areas.

Individual Trauma situations , time concerns,treatments and resucitation needs to be just right to rescue organs.

Good news on livers!
Only a portion is needed to regeneratesmiley - biggrinI would think these will increase as kidney transplants have.
They can use live donors for both which certainly increases the odds of it happening.

Lens for eyes should be a bit easier to have available.
Easier to store tissues like bone and other less complicated ones are. However they needed to spruce up their techiques and protocols somesmiley - erm

Organ Donors

Post 3


My first thinking about the issue was would be it better for all persons with any sickness/chronic illness sould donate to medical science. That may be of great benefit to our children, as it may help with finding cures or treatments.

smiley - zen
smiley - towel


Organ Donors

Post 4


My Yukon health card states that I am an organ donor so provided I'm in the territory when I shuffle off this mortal coil everything is fine.
I have heard it suggested that people who do not want to be donors should carry cards/be registered as non donors. This would allow medical staff to harvest organs without being forced to wait for family consent. It would also save doctors and relatives from having to discuss the matter just after death.
It may be worth discussing the idea that people with chronic illnesses, especially those we are still studying, should be given the chance to make a decision on leaving their organs for research. This could be explained to them whilst they are alive at a time their doctor thinks is suitable.
It is a thorny subject. I saw the news reports in Britain when it was revealed doctors had kept organs from babies following post mortems. That was without the permission of the next of kin. But how could we persuade parents who have lost a very young child that that child's organs could save another? Or many if used for research.
No easy answers.

Organ Donors

Post 5

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

That is a good idea to issue cards to the ones that do not want tosmiley - eureka They may be more likely to do something about it if they are against it.

It is not always choice either, some conditions should not be donating and it needs to be known.
Some religions would prohibit it to of course.

Organ Donors

Post 6


well, i think that the non organ donors keep away from the organ donors, so that they are not tempted to become one them self. smiley - sadface They are what is wrong, unless half of them are kids who can't become one until they become an adult.

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