This is the Message Centre for Hapi - Hippo #5

V8 Supercars

Post 1


smiley - sorry, I accidentally unsubbed, but anyway, its the Big Weekend Down Under when the V8's go around Bathurst. It is a smiley - magic race, goes for 6hrs. So get your smiley - ales in, your smiley - chick,BBQed of course, and Prawns.smiley - ok.
You can probably get a broadcast "Up Above", if you know where to look. smiley - cheers

V8 Supercars

Post 2

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin mm.. my brain couldn't stand the noise Steve.. and the hospital wouldn't allow this sort of programs at this time smiley - biggrin
and no smiley - ale for me..

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