This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Absolutely no excuse

Post 1


So, I hope everyone is healthy and happy and remembers who I am. *hanging head in shame*

Things at the old WCPL are chugging along. We're just 4 months away from the start of our Centennial celebrations. Mom is still hanging in there and is still crabby beyond belief. She'll be 92 in February. Sometimes I suspect she'll outlive me. Little DooDah is all dressed up for the holidays. The Christmas parade is Saturday, but the library is not having a float this year. The parade rules from the Chamber of Commerce changed quite a lot and it was just too much of a bother to comply with them all. smiley - cross

Spice, my mama sheltie, died two months ago. She had advanced stage pancreatic cancer. She was still a few months shy of 8, so it was quite a shock. I thought I'd have her for many more years. I still have her pups, Hamish and Heather. They were quite upset but are acting more normal again. They still check her favorite spots sometimes. I buried her in her favorite flower bed.

The weatherman announced that this has been the warmest year in our area since they started keeping records back in 1903. This winter is supposed to be both warmer and wetter than normal. Thing is, no one knows what normal actually is anymore. I'm just hoping that the wetter part means snow and rain rather than ice.

Drop by, if you have the time, and let me know how you've been and what you're up to.

Absolutely no excuse

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Hi, Hypatia! smiley - biggrin Good to hear from you. I've noticed that about the weather, too.

smiley - hug So sorry to hear about your sheltie. smiley - sadface

Absolutely no excuse

Post 3

Baron Grim

Glad to see you back. Sorry to hear about Spice. I lost my Lobo this year and it can be brutal. I just last month got a new dog, a one year old Texas heeler who's keeping me quite busy. (She's decided if the cat gets to share my bed, so does she.)

I may have left you a message ages ago, probably some library related article or something like that. It's probably not worth finding as I can't remember what it was or when.

Anyhoo... glad to have you back.

Absolutely no excuse

Post 4


It's good to be back. I remember when Lobo died. It is so hard to lose them. My dogs have always slept on my bed. When Spice was still here, I had 3 dogs and a cat on the bed every night. Left very little room for me!

When I adopted Spice, I had no idea she was pregnant. Now I'm glad it turned out like that. Having the pups has helped me through this. They'll be 3 years old in January. Hard to believe.

Dmitri, have you tried the Paleo bread from Julian Bakery? They have two varieties, one made with almond flour and one with coconut flour. They are pricy, but they aren't bad at all.

Absolutely no excuse

Post 5

Titania (gone for lunch)

Welcome back, Hyp!smiley - hug

Been up to? Who? Me? Nothing, it wasn't me, honest!smiley - angel

Absolutely no excuse

Post 6

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Almonds and coconut doesn't sound too good for me.

Glutino has some great bread - also pricey, but Harris Teeter carries it frozen. Good stuff. smiley - smiley

Absolutely no excuse

Post 7


Ti, I am sure you have been positively angelic, as always. smiley - biggrin

Dang, Dmitri. Do you have nut allergies on top of everything else? smiley - hug Both of the Paleo breads taste pretty much like, well, bread. I use both almond flour and coconut flour to bake with. I don't have a problem with either. The cookies, muffins, scones, etc. with the almond flour are delish. Not gritty at all like with rice flour. And they're lower carb, higher fiber and you need less sweetners. So they're great for diabetics.

I haven't seen Glutino brand items here. I'll keep an eye out.

Absolutely no excuse

Post 8

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Check your frozen food section. They hide all this stuff. smiley - laugh

We've also found frozen chicken tenders and chicken nuggets - Golden Platter.

$8.99 for a bag that will make 3 meals for 2 people.

Yeah, I've got all sorts of other allergies - nuts (but not pecans), lactose intolerance, careful with citrus, and lately, eggs. Fine if they're hard-boiled, but the other day, I had a runny fried egg and went nuts. smiley - headhurts

Guess who's living on Pacific Spirit Gluten-Free Cream of Tomato soup, gf rice crackers, and judicious amounts of cheese? Oh, and salads with Ken's gf Blue Cheese dressing...smiley - drool

Boar's Head deli meats are all gf, so we now make a lot of open-faced sandwiches. smiley - smiley

Absolutely no excuse

Post 9

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

smiley - hug

Absolutely no excuse

Post 10


Of course we remember you Hypatia, and we havae missed you.

Me, busy doing house maintenance still, toddler sitting, helping people move house and generally trying to keep warm.

The forecast for here is the coldest winter ever, and I thought 2010/11 was the worst - it certainly felt like it.

Sad about your Sheltie, she was quite young too but at least she left you two lovely friends to remember her by.

92 is some age, though on my bus there are several in their nineties and they are fitter than some of us younger ones smiley - smiley I think they are the last of the golden oldies smiley - rofl

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

Absolutely no excuse

Post 11



I have worked out the most FANTABULOUS recipe for GF chocolate cake using almond flour. Which is no use at all if you can't eat almonds. Um. But it is fantabulous.

Absolutely no excuse

Post 12


It's wonderful to hear from you, Websailor. It sounds like you're keeping busy.

Are your colder than normal winters cause by the Gulf Stream slowing down? I've heard that that is possible for the future. Perhaps it is already happening.

Unfortunately, my mother is suffering from dementia. She is sweet and friendly one minute and an absolute bear the next. She seldom leaves her house since she has convinced herself that if she leaves, I won't let her go back. She eats very little and what she does eat isn't particularly nutritious. At her age, I figure I should let her eat what she wants. I have a woman who goes in and does her housework and fixes her breakfast and lunch. Primarily it is to make sure she hasn't fallen or something. I honestly was surprised that she made it through the winter last year. But I promised her I wouldn't put her in a nursing home as long as she was able to get around on her own. I'm doing my best to keep her in her own home.

Absolutely no excuse

Post 13


Ag, I'm glad you can use the almond flour. It's truly wonderful. The things I've made with it are actually better than the ones made with wheat flour.

Absolutely no excuse

Post 14

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

The fairy lights are no more in my house smiley - evilgrin

Absolutely no excuse

Post 15


Why would fairies want anything to do with an old rake like you, RJR? smiley - winkeye

Absolutely no excuse

Post 16


Hypatia, it is wonderful you are managing to keep her in her own home even if she is grumpy.

My Mum had it too but she was a danger to herself and others sadly. It is dreadful to see an intelligent person reduced to that.

Take care and keep in touch, however briefly.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Absolutely no excuse

Post 17


Will do, dear. smiley - hug

Absolutely no excuse

Post 18

Baron Grim

On The Colbert Report Monday night, he talked about a new option for the children of seniors. "Granny Pods". A company is marketing in situ sheds for the elderly that can be set up in your back yard. They are 12' x 24' fully equipped and furnished miniature houses with lots of technical features for elderly care. And they only cost $125K. smiley - senior

I actually know someone who has done this on his own. smiley - laugh He's one of my fellow bikers and when we go visit him and his mother starts trying to "save" us a bit to avidly, he'll send her back out to her little house in the back. smiley - laugh

Absolutely no excuse

Post 19


Funny, BG. Lots, lots better than a nursing home, though.

Absolutely no excuse

Post 20

Baron Grim

Oh, I agree. But around here, $125k will get you a 3br 1.5 bath with attached two car garage.

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