This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Another Diet Convo

Post 81


She doesn't seem insecure. Quite the opposite. But I suppose it could be an act and she is actually so afraid of being fat that she's starving herself.

Another Diet Convo

Post 82


There are also people who are obsessed with their image. smiley - erm They honestly thing everyone is looking at what they wear and how much they weight.

Another Diet Convo

Post 83


Yes. And that is true of all ages. I suspect that she wants everyone to look at her and say how much they wished they could be like her. She would be much prettier if she gained 20 pounds.

Another Diet Convo

Post 84

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I know a ot of girls in the gym that don't look like they need to be there as often as they are - I surmise that this is why they look as good as they do. OTOH, I'm there more than they are smiley - erm

smiley - puffk <- feeling pretty and sexy today smiley - diva

Another Diet Convo

Post 85


Let's not lose focus of the facts, it's not always vanity that is the root. Anorexia and Bulimia are both chronic disorders and some who live with the effects are unaware that they even suffer from it. Sad but true.

And the school age kids are obsessed with 'fat' these days, thinking that anything short of rail thin is overweight. One of my sons friends was so proud of his six-pack abs till I pointed out that he was simply underweight and thus his skin streached tight as a drum.

Another Diet Convo

Post 86


It's sad that appearance seems to trump everything else. How shallow is that?

Another Diet Convo

Post 87


'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder' or so it is with those who's opinions I value. Makes for a pretty accurate judge of character as well, separating the vain and shallow from those more enlightened folk who are actually worth spending time with.

Here's to only 10 more days till I can spend time with just such people smiley - kiss

Another Diet Convo

Post 88


smiley - winkeye Ask the guys why body is so important. I have no idea.

Another Diet Convo

Post 89


I'm a former sailor deary and will let you in on a little 'man' truth, guys only pretend to care, especially if they're around their buddies. That same dude who only goes for the supermodel or pornstar type when swapping tales with the fellas will just as readily 'nail' anything, anytime and anywhere given the opportunity. Them's the facts, plain and simple, for good or ill smiley - dog

Another Diet Convo

Post 90


In all fairness, women are just as image conscious as the men. There have been several articles that posited that women dress, exercise, preen, whatever to impresss other women more than to impress men.

With men, I think they like to have a really attractive woman to show off to their buddies....look what I was able to catch.

Why do you think there are so many unhappy relationships? Too much emphasis on physical attraction at th ebeginning of th erelationship and too litle on actual compatibility.

Another Diet Convo

Post 91

Researcher 198131

I guess it all depends on how happy you are with yourself and how your body works. Everybody's body works differently. I train at the gym at least 5 days a week. That involves 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weights each time. And I've been putting on weight! True, some of it is muscle but my jeans say otherwise. I've a feeling it was the medication I was on. I certainly haven't been overeating. Time will tell, as I am now off said medication.

I don't go to the gym to look trim and terrific (well that's not the whole reasonsmiley - winkeye). I've always been a thin person. And don't hate me, I used to be one of those people that could eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I go to the gym because I enjoy it, I've probably become addicted.

Lately I find I have to watch what I eat, but it's more because of my low sugar levels. It's a very fine line. If I don't eat enough I feel hungry later. If I eat too much I'll either feel hungry half an hour later or sick. It's kinda hard to get it right.

As for my body shape I could stand to loose a kilo or two. Not because I'm unhappy with my weight but because I want to be able to fit into my pants! I have a lot of pants that are a size 8 (that's about a 6 in America, I think) and only a few that are 10s. The 8s are slightly too small while the 10s are slightly too big. I could try to put weigh on to fit into the 10s, but I have more of the 8s. It's an economical thing.

As for thin being beautiful. Although I was always thin, I was never the beautiful one. Never had boyfriends at school. Then again, maybe it's more of self-perception? It was only recently that I came to understand that I possibly was more attractive to the opposite sex than I thought I was. Since that epiphany I have been out with three different men. All of whom asked me out. smiley - yikes

Life, it's a funny thing.
smiley - elf

Another Diet Convo

Post 92

Phred Firecloud

They came out with some new diet "facts" last week...people who drink heavily and also have four or more cups of coffee every day have only 20% of the risk of developing cirrosis of the liver of those who drink heavily and avoid coffee...

Off for another cup of smiley - coffee...

Another Diet Convo

Post 93


Taralome, your case is yet another good example that weight control is more complicated than energy in/energy out. I've heard that exercising - especially running - is addictive. I've never done enough of it to find out. smiley - winkeye

Phred, that actually is good news. I hope heavy drinkers everywhere read that report. I drink plenty of coffee but not much alcohol. Wonder if my liver is too healthy. smiley - yikes

Another Diet Convo

Post 94

Lady Chattingly

I used to be one of those "eat whatever I want" people. Now I am an overweight older lady who doesn't eat nearly as much as I used to, but does not lose any weight either. Could be my level of activity has dropped considerably. smiley - biggrin
I admire anyone with the discipline to go to the gym and work out--we used to do that, but my knees will not allow it anymore. I guess you just learn to do what you can in life. I haven't been a size 8 in a very long time, but I am happy with myself and my lifestyle. Isn't that what counts???

Another Diet Convo

Post 95

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Since this conversation started, I have begun doing some daily toning workouts with three-pound weights. I would like to lose this stuff that is lolling around my upper arms. I do miss my old shape, the athletic one.

And I agree with Hypatia about the unrealistic images projected by the fashion world. Even the "stars" have to work out incessantly, religiously, in order to meet public expectations. And how do you all feel about the way 13 and 14 year old girls are used to model fashion in the magazines?

Another Diet Convo

Post 96

Researcher 198131

Lil, one of my friends is a personal trainer and he says you won't loose any body fat if you don't do any cardio exercise as well. You will tone up your muscles, but you will still have the body fat over the top and won't see it. This is why people think they aren't getting anywhere with hundreds of sit ups. They are actually toning their abs, but not loosing any fat. He said it's actually possible to overwork your abs and hurt your back.

I also agree with Hypatia about the unrealistic images projected by the fashion world. The woman's mags don't help either. On one page you have them speculating over someone's 'baby bump' just because they have a bit of a tummy and on the next page they're speculating about someone's 'anorexia scare'. smiley - groan

Hyp, I think another reason I like going to the gym is that I feel really good afterwards. I can be feeling down, then go to the gym and feel good later. I think it's partly the endorphins released while exercising, but it's also the conversations I get into.

smiley - elf

Another Diet Convo

Post 97


smiley - winkeye Yes of course... who would go to the gym to workout when they can go to socialise?

Had my first day at summer job today, meaning my first real exercise in almost a year; it was lovely. smiley - biggrin exercise is tolerably if you're having a good time while you do it.

Another Diet Convo

Post 98

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

When my neighbor gets back I'm going to ask her if I can keep on looking after the horses. That's lots of cardio. smiley - smiley

Another Diet Convo

Post 99


Lil, you're so good with animals that I'm sure your neighbor will take you up on the offer.

Another Diet Convo

Post 100

Researcher 198131

Leo, you're absoloutely right. Excercise is much more fun if you're having a good time doing it.

Hopefully, Lil, this means you'll have a great time with the horses and get in some good cardio work as well smiley - biggrin

smiley - elf

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