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Telephone Solicitors

Post 41

Lady Chattingly

My thoughts exactly. Wilma, the princess. We need a smiley for a tiara and a scepter.

Telephone Solicitors

Post 42

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - yikes eeps!

Wilma Neanderthal in a tiara?? smiley - rofl You two haven't seen Shrek, have you?

smiley - winkeye

Telephone Solicitors

Post 43


smiley - laugh I loved Shrek. I usually don't like kids movies that much, but Shrek is smiley - cool

Telephone Solicitors

Post 44

Lady Chattingly

Shrek is super smiley - cool. Any more it seems I like some of the so-called kids' movies better than the violent adult fare.

Telephone Solicitors

Post 45

Wilma Neanderthal

I have seen everything on offer (screening for kids) and it is truly smiley - cdouble Mind you, I am more of the 'Bedknobs and Broomsticks', 'King and I' and 'Sound of Music' fan base than anyhting else - and yes, I have subjected my children to all of them my daughter's favourite "old times" movie is 'Breakfast in Tiffany' and my son has recently been exposed to some '80s programmes (UK centric but I got him 'The Young Ones' and 'Blackadder')

I do try. smiley - biggrin

Telephone Solicitors

Post 46

Lady Chattingly

I love some of the old musicals, but since Lord C. is not a musical fan, I tend to watch them in the middle of the night when I'm having a bit of insomnia. He indulges me in a lot of TV that he doesn't care for so I don't dare ask him to watch musicals too. smiley - smiley

Telephone Solicitors

Post 47

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - rofl

In our household, the remote is almost always with my son so I leave him and his dad to fight over it and click away on here. I don't really like to watch TV unless it is a specific pogramme that I plan for. I begrudge the time spent in front of it and can't sit still for long enough (driving everyone crazy when they are trying to watch something smiley - biggrin). I often suddenly remember that I have to take something out of the freezer or put something in the washing machine. Then I get sidetracked.

In the States, I used to watch PBS and here I watch very little TV. I have so far been successful in my boycott of cable (let's see how much longer I will be able to do that for...) On the other hand, dvds and videos abound. I feel it gives better control over viewing choice for the children.

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