This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

First Presidential Address

Post 41

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

An honest thank you from the librarian owl, Reefgirl! I don't always read the Post (slapped wing or whatever the owl equivalent of wrist is), but I always enjoy what I do read. smiley - ok

First Presidential Address

Post 42

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Cheers David

First Presidential Address

Post 43

Phred Firecloud

Madam President,

Speaking of coincidences, what, exactly were you doing in the tiny town of Lincoln, New Mexico, on the day of October 9th, 2005, in the first place? Was it an h2g2 get-together? A lbrarian convention? A Billy the Kid historical meeting? How did you learn about the election results? Did you have an internet connection? Did you drive there from the Ozarks or fly-in to a population center and rent a car?

I was there on October 22 and the town had virtually closed for the winter, including the small inn near the Lincoln County Courthouse/museum. Did you stay there?

The radio wave around Lincoln county were filled with alternative theories about Billy's escape and later death. They've found the carpenter's table he died on and are DNA testing the bloodstains. A skeleton wiyh buck teeth has been unearthed in a grave dating thirty years after his suposed death and are DNA testing that. A CSI technician has found evidence of bloodstains on the courthouse landing using the chemical that glows in the presence of bloodstains. All these cast doubt on historical accounts.

- Phred

First Presidential Address

Post 44

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Phred, I live in Lincoln (one of the 45 or so who do), and I'm unhappy to hear that you were too but that we didn't meet.

First Presidential Address

Post 45

Phred Firecloud

Are you, by any chancem the nice lady in the Courthouse museum who also told me to read "Billy the Kid: A Short and Violent Life"?...if you are that's two times I'm off to the library. Beautiful area to drive a motorcycle in the fall with all the yellow trees. I could hear ghosts whispering in my ear on the courthouse stairs.

First Presidential Address

Post 46

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I mentioned the book by Utley in a different thread here on Hootoo.

And one of the park rangers was taking photos when they took up the courthouse stairs and uncovered the blood stains on the floor: in one of his photos there's an orb. So you may well have felt a presence when you were there.

That makes two threads that Billy has hijacked. smiley - winkeye

First Presidential Address

Post 47


Yep, I was in Lincoln to visit Lil. smiley - biggrin It's a great place, isn't it? I am so jealous of her view of the mountains. smiley - envy I hope she invites us back sometime.

First Presidential Address

Post 48

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

The president of h2g2 will be welcome again any time, as long as she arranges to stay for a longer period in order to become acclimated to the altitude. smiley - hug

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