Cascade's Zone

Hi, Cascade here! Okay, my real name is Chris and I'm a first year student at Anglia Polytechnic University []in Cambridge,England studying for a BA Combined Honours Degree in English Literature and Film Studies. I come from a small Black Country town near Wolverhampton, and currently live (obviously) in Cambridge - a nice place, but a little strange for all sorts of different reasons. I'm a big football fan, and support Wolverhampton Wanderers. I'm a big fan of female-based rock music like Hole, Veruca Salt and The Delphines and have a taste for bad 80's music.

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Welcome Cascade2021 Aug 3, 2002
Hello Aug 3, 2002


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Very harsh. Aug 3, 2002 May 5, 2003
Great description Aug 5, 2002 No Replies
Welcome Cascade2021 No Posting Aug 3, 2002
Hello No Posting Aug 3, 2002


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Researcher U199837


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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