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I love your puns
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Started conversation Aug 26, 2011
Hi, Katrine.
You have some of the best puns anywhere.
I hope I haven't discouraged you from posting in the Short Short Story thread. If I have, I apologize. You have a lot of imagination, and your dreams are often fascinating. I get hung up on grammar, but that's just me.
I love your puns
Reality Manipulator Posted Aug 27, 2011
Hello Paul,
Thank you for your kind compliments.
The dreams that are very vivid but a lot them don't make sense and are very short and quite often have several short different dreams that are totally unrelated from each other.
No I am not discouraged, it is just that I have gone dry with ideas. I get a lot of ideas and there is a gap.
I love your puns
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Aug 28, 2011
I think that you and I are alike in that we have so many vivid dreams. I'm glad when you mention that your stories are based on dreams. Dreams have a logic of their own, and it's futile to try to make the logic adhere to normal logic. They just need to appreciated for what they are.
Take care!
I love your puns
Reality Manipulator Posted Aug 28, 2011
Thanks Paul for your thoughts concerning dreams, and sometimes the themes of my dreams remind me of the paintings of Salvador Dali and a few times I even dreamed that I've had a birds eye of the galaxy
Have a good weekend.
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I love your puns
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