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jazzme Posted Nov 28, 2003
Hi Kat,
You certainly get about don't you? Edinburgh to Essex!
You cannot beat our Northumbrian beaches though can you?
My brother lived on Canvey Island for a while - until the floods when he emigrated to Canada.
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 28, 2003
Jazz I totally agree about Northumbrian beaches not only the local seaside at Newbiggen but Amble and surround areas where they sold very good fresh fish in the fish and chips shops. I remember very vaguely Dingle woods.
jazzme Posted Nov 28, 2003
Hi Kat,
I don't know Dingel Woods, but I used to fishing at Amble with my Dad many years ago - lovely countryside. When we go to the woods we choose Thropton Woods - or our own Gosforth Park (by the racecourse).
We go up to Beadnell Bay regularly with the caravan - it's only a little over an hour away and we spent 3 separate weeks there this year. The van is packed up for the winter now but will be in use again about Easter.
We walk for miles along deserted beaches when the children are at school and the sites are empty.
J'aime beaucoup le bord du mer.
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 29, 2003
Bonjour Jazzy
loup's birthday party is still going on if we want to join in it is at the lders bar party room 2 on my page.
I have had relatives that lived in both Gosforth and Cramlington.
Comment allez vous, si vous plait?
jazzme Posted Nov 30, 2003
non,non, mon cherie!!
'Si vous plait' is not used in this context.
It is for 'yes please' or 'please may I have' sort of situations but
'Comment allez vous' is fine by itself.
Je suis tres bien merci, mon cherie - et vous?
Do your relatives still live up here? wouldn't it be funny if I knew them? But we cannot start trading that sort of information on an open line like this. If you want to we can do so on email - I'm on [email protected] (with the www bit first)
I'll look in on that party tomorrow
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