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jazzme Posted Nov 21, 2003
Bonsoir mon ami Kat,
Je suis tres bien aussie mais je ne parle pas bien le francais.
En ecole je suis 'USELESS' mais j'ai visitez la france en vacance et mon francais est 'IMPROVED SOMEWHAT'
Est-ce-que vous est en ecole?
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 22, 2003
Jazz I hope you do not mind me asking to translate the two paragraphs, please. I have not got that far yet.
Take care Jazz
jazzme Posted Nov 22, 2003
Sorry Kat,
Je suis tres bien/ aussie/ mais/ je ne parle pas/ bien/ le francais
I am very well/ also/ but/ I do not speak/ very well/ the French
En ecole/ je suis/ useless/ mais/ j'ai visite la france/ en vacance/
At school/ I was/ (english)/ but/ I have visited france/ on holiday
et mon francais est/ (english)
and my french is/ improved somewhat
Est-ce-que/ vous est/ en ecole
Is it that/ you are/ in school
Are you learning at evening classes or self-study? I hope the literal translation helps you to understand the words - the meaning would be translated slightly differently.
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 22, 2003
Thank you for your translation Jazz.
I am learning at an Adult Further Education Centre. The beginners course last a full academic year. At the centre the French classes from beginners to advanced take 4 to 5 years to complete.
Take care Jazz
jazzme Posted Nov 23, 2003
Hi Kat,
I teach calligraphy at evening classes one evening per week on further education at the local school. C'est tres bien n'est ce pas?
(It's very good isn't it?)
I'm not a teacher but will be glad to assist your French if and when I can, if you don't mind me breaking into English when I don't know the french words.
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 24, 2003
Hello Jazz I hope you do not mind me asking but loup.dargent needs new researchers to help him run the h2g2 French Language Help Desk at:
Thank you
jazzme Posted Nov 24, 2003
Hi Kat,
I've had a quick look at loup's site and picked up your queries - I think either some of the researchers there are more advanced than me or they have a French dictionary beside their computer.
I'll keep an eye on it though - but you can ask me direct to if you wish.
jazzme Posted Nov 25, 2003
Pas de quoi (the 's' is silent)
Which means more or less - 'Don't mention it' or 'It doesn't matter'
The full correct phrase if you are using it in class is:-
Il n'y a pas de quoi but the French in their gallic way just say Pas de quoi - sometimes even removing the galloise from their lips to say it!!
Where do you go for your class? London? Edinburgh? Dublin?
I'm from Newcastle on Tyne - but try not to speak 'Geordie French'
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 26, 2003
merci beucoup Jazz, I for my classes in Grays Thurrock in Essex.
I used to live in Ashington in Northumberland from 1966-1971 and from 1995-2000.
jazzme Posted Nov 27, 2003
I know Ashington - I live in Gosforth but worked for 18 years in Cramlington - just down the road from Ashington.
What were you doing up here?
(Too late for Loup's birthday - sorry)
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 27, 2003
Hi Jazz I hope you are keeping well.
I moved from Scotland around about 1965 when I was two to Ashington as my mam comes from Ashington and her family was living there. I also moved back there in 1995 and lived there until 2000 when I moved to Essex.
jazzme Posted Nov 27, 2003
Bonsoir Kat
so you're really a Scots lassie are you ? Where in Scotland? (Ecosse)
I lived in Dumbarton from the age of three and a half to almost 5 when my Dad was on unemployment relief (1929-1931} but we spend at least three weeks every year in Scotland in our touring caravan.
Don't ask me to translate all that into French !
Bob nuit mon ami
jazzme Posted Nov 27, 2003
Sorry Kat,
For 'Bob' read bonne
Bonne nuit mon ami (nuit is feminine)
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- 14: Reality Manipulator (Nov 26, 2003)
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- 16: jazzme (Nov 27, 2003)
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