This is the Message Centre for Reality Manipulator
It is the Force that guides us....
[...] Started conversation Jul 20, 2003
On Kilted Jedi's page I've posted a convo under Jedi Outcast...
Could you take a look and get back to me as it sort of applies to you and I can't be bothered to write the message out twice...
It is the Force that guides us....
Reality Manipulator Posted Jul 20, 2003
hi hpb i am very interested in joining but sadly i do not know enough guideml to help in setting up a page. i can contribute in other ways entries that i have written etc. i have answered to your posting to kilted jedi.
It is the Force that guides us....
[...] Posted Sep 27, 2003
Hey, hey, hey!
D'you mind popping into the Council Chamber and suggesting Reefgirl (Cobal Th'chi) ready for the Trials, if you think that of course!
GrifterGal Posted Sep 27, 2003
hello hun just thought i,d drop by to introduce myself
well i,m 32 female and live in London with my partner Ron, and my two
i,m a drama workshop leader and i collect collect Collectable dolls and teapots, and
anyway i hope to chat to you soon Grifter Gal
Reality Manipulator Posted Sep 27, 2003
Hello GrifterGal I hope you are keeping well.
Thank you very much for your message.
When I was a little girl I had a friend who collected dolls, they were mainly in National Dress.
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It is the Force that guides us....
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