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A star wars entry I'd like your thoughts on

Post 1

Oberon2001 (Scout)

Hello there!
I've got a star wars entry currently in peer review that, seeing as your part of the official fan club, i'd like your thoughts on. It's at A847668.
Cheers smiley - cheers

A star wars entry I'd like your thoughts on

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

Sorry for being so late in replying but I lost my link and it was only until today that I got it back. I will read your entry.

A star wars entry I'd like your thoughts on

Post 3

Reality Manipulator

It is a fantastic and is very well researched. I have learnt things that I had not know before. It has a good deal of detail and would say this is the best one I have seen on Star Wars. You definetly should be accepted.

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