Jake Denotsko] [okstoneD

I'm pleased to say that I am mostly indifferent to nearly everything. It's not that I don't care, I just can't be bothered to be passionate about things. It seems like such a chore to have an opinion. I prefer to just observe. I have tried to be opinionated in the past, but never could maintain the pace needed. If I were to express an feeling toward one side of a subject over another, I might at a later date change my stance. Thus be labeled a hypocrite.Not to say that hypocracy is bad, it's just too sticky of a label. I might change my mind again. What would that do? Would I still be a hypocrite; or would I just cancel out my own hypocracy?I'm not sure of how I can be TOTALY opinion free, but I am trying my best to stay out of my way. I'm usually quite neutral when I'm alone with myself. The only exception being religion. I can't help it. I'm a truely opinionated atheist. I might hate that about myself, if I cared at all. I've been known to argue religion so pasionately that I couldn't stand to speak to myself for weeks. There is nothing worse than offending oneself. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to get over it. I'm an asshole anyway.


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Jake Denotsko

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