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Happy Early Anniversary!!!
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Started conversation Sep 10, 2002
A little bird (alright, your son) told me that you and your wife have been married for 50 years as of the 18th of this month. Might I be the first on H2G2 to congratulate you on such a wonderful accomplishment?
My grandparents have been married for 56, and my daughter was born 4 months before their 50th anniversary. It's a wonderful thing to see two people who are so happy together, even after 6 daughters, 9 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. I hope you and your wife are even half as happy as my grandparents, which means very happy indeed!
Again, congrats and !
Happy Early Anniversary!!!
Ancient Brit Posted Sep 12, 2002
Hi Montana
I have only just logged on to find your message of congratulation to me and my wife for our Golden Wedding. Many thanks I promise you that we shall have a good day and that we have many happy memories of the 50 years of our marriage. We can not match the tally of your grandparents but we have every hope of taking our marriage a little further yet. We both enjoy relatively good health and we have a wonderful family that gives us a lot to live for.
We are going over to our son's home today I shall ask him how you came to discuss us oldies on h2g2.
Thanks again for your best wishes.
See you
Ancient Brit
Happy Early Anniversary!!!
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Posted Sep 13, 2002
Your son is a very nice, very intelligent man. You must be a good dad and mom.
Happy Early Anniversary!!!
Ancient Brit Posted Sep 13, 2002
Thanks Montana - We do our best
He gets his good points from his mum.
Saw him yesterday, he told me of the link.
Quite remarkable. I'll check things out for myself.
Titania and Garius Lupus are not unknown to me.
I'll be back
Ancient Brit
Happy Early Anniversary!!!
Sol Posted Sep 14, 2002
I hope you don't mind me popping in...
*sets down in the corner a large barrel-like shaped object, on which the words "Barnsley Bitter - self refilling" can just be made out*
... but since a Golden Wedding anniversary is such a splendid achievement, and such joyous occasion for all concerned, once Pinniped let the cat out of the bag I couldn't resist.
I've just started married life myself, so clearly you are a shinning example for me and my husband. Congratulations!
I hope you like your gift, and here is the largest bunch of your wife's favourite flowers that I could find, as I don't feel she should be left out
Happy Early Anniversary!!!
Ancient Brit Posted Sep 16, 2002
Thanks Solnushka
I gather that congrats. are in order for you as well. I hope that the next 50 years for you are as fulfilling as the 50 years that my wife and I have spent together. I have had a quick peek at your page and read the account of your wedding day. A good start and shows promise for the future. The bride joined in the speech making at the last wedding that we went to, but she was a presenter on Canadian TV and used to the sound of her own voice. Have you had similar experience of performing in front of an audience ? I just dislike formality and public speaking.
I was a little disappointed with your guide to Las Vegas . My wife and I are going to have a second honeymoon and are in two minds as to whether to give Las Vegas another visit (She loves the place).
I have a feeling though that we will finish up doing a tour of Scotland and retracing our original honeymoon.
You must be familiar with the North of England to have knowledge of Barnsley Bitter I have supped a few gallons of it in my time. The brewery was taken over a few years ago and the original beer went off the market. It has recently come back into the pubs but despite the claim that it is brewed from the same formula it is not the same.
If you could get your magic barrel over here you would make a fortune.
Thanks again for your message I'll tell Pinniped you called.
I shall come back to you again when I have done a liitle more research.
Ancient Brit.
PS My wife loved the flowers.
Happy Early Anniversary!!!
Sol Posted Sep 17, 2002
I'm glad your wife liked the flowers. And thank you for your congratulations! We did have a great time, and you are quite right: I'm a teacher, so standing up in front of a bunch of people and spouting complete nonsense has no fear for me any more
Funnily enough, the reason I was in Las Vegas was for my best friend's wedding (I keep telling everyone it's like busses: first you wait for ages and ages and the three come along at once). And it really was a great place for a wedding - I imagine it would be a great place for a goldern wedding too. I tend to agree with you wife about loving the place: great weather, great food, reasonable prices, hugely entertaining hotels, and a nice dash of total weirdness. Oh and really great scenery. If I'd been there longer, I think I'd have disappeared into the desert and it would have been very difficult to pry me out.
And they have palm trees. I've never seen a palm tree before.
Still, Scotland's nice too. One of the few things I miss about Britain is mountains and dampness, believe it or not... And I'm not even from the north! Which is why, to be honest, I can't take credit for the Barnsley Bitter: it was a suggestion of Pinniped's. At least he knows your tastes!
Happy Early Anniversary!!!
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Posted Sep 17, 2002
Oh, tough choice. Me, I'd take Scotland, but that's because I haven't been there but once, and that was over 10 years ago. I just drove through Las Vegas a couple of months ago. I like it, but sometimes the glitz on the Strip gets to me. Although if you do it right, you can do Rome, Venice, and New York all in one day!
Happy Early Anniversary!!!
Ancient Brit Posted Sep 27, 2002
Hi Solnushka and Montana Redhead
Just to let you know that my wife and I are back from our second honeymoon. We chose to go up to Scotland and retrace the journey we made 50 years ago. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed every minute, the weather was great and everything we did brought back happy memories.
We booked in advance at one of the hotels we stayed at on the banks of Loch Lomond, and when we checked in, would you believe that they had put us in the same room overlooking the loch, that we had occupied 50 years earlier. Our original trip on the loch was in a simple open top motor boat with a gang of a dozen Scots singing 'You tak the high road'. The trip this time was on a swish launch along with around 80 people, Americans, Japanese, mixed Asians and Europeans all with videos and flashing cameras. Progress
Who knows we may take in Vegas and a trip up the west coast of America for our diamond wedding.
Happy Early Anniversary!!!
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Posted Sep 27, 2002
It sounds like you had a lovely time. I'm jealous! I spent the last two weeks trying to read ahead for my class on History and Theory, and realized I'd read the WRONG Karl Marx. Nothing like some bad Marx to put me off my day!
Happy Early Anniversary!!!
Sol Posted Sep 28, 2002
Oh superb, Ancient Brit! I hope you told the hotel of the serendipity: they'll be congratulating themselves on that one for a long time to come
But you pinched our weather, obviously. Before you went it was nice here. Now it's horrible, so now I know who to blame for my cold Ah, well, all in a good cause.
How can you read the wrong Karl Marx, Montana? I sincerely hope there wern't that many... Actually now I have just had a mental picture of your wading through a handbook by Karl Marx the Pigeon Fancier
Happy Early Anniversary!!!
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Posted Sep 28, 2002
Well, there's Das Capital, of course, and then his treatise on Feurbach, and the 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte....he wrote lots of stuff, none of it fun. I was supposed to read the second of those two, and instead, I read the first one.
Happy Early Anniversary!!!
Ancient Brit Posted Sep 29, 2002
Sorry girls my narrow education doesn't go with Carl Marx. Pinniped is the serious reader in the family although his mother spends a fair bit of time with romantic novels. The amount of knowledge that is available today and the speed at which it can be collated frightens me. It is too easy to jump in on any subject and find confirmation of your way of thinking rather than thinking it out for yourself and realising that you are wrong.
Along these lines something that I have read recently interests me.
Ancient Brit
Happy Early Anniversary!!!
Sol Posted Sep 29, 2002
Yes indeedy. And a much more jolly chap we can hope too...
Das Kapital is one of those books I always think I probably should read, but almost certainly never will. Still, the thought of having to do it all over again with another deadening text... , MR!
Happy Early Anniversary!!!
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Posted Sep 29, 2002
Oh, saints preserve me. It's for my History and Theory class, and you know Marx...everything gets reduced to class conflict. And a lot of historians run with that theory....E.P. Thompson is a prime example (He wrote the Making of the English Working Class).
I don't know....I think next quarter may just be worse, Sol. I have to spend an entire quarter with Foucault......yikes. He makes Marx look like a walk in the park.
AB, your son and I have been having a lot of conversations. He's quite the thinker, he is. We've been having lovely discussions on politics. It's interesting to get a non-American point of view.
Happy Early Anniversary!!!
Ancient Brit Posted Oct 10, 2002
Montana - I have read quite a bit of your conversation with Pinniped, You guys certainly do go at it. I have also lurked in other areas of Pinniped's space (you realise that I have a vested interest) and gather that you are getting a bit fed up with jibes about the Americans.
It is with some trepidation that I point you to:- <./>F28093?thread=173840&post=2477015#p2477015</.>
Happy Early Anniversary!!!
Witty Moniker Posted Oct 13, 2002
*Rushes in, far too late and without a decent excuse of any sort. *
*Throws streamers and confetti about AM's Space.*
Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on this momentous occasion to both you and your lovely bride.
I'll send a 'bot about shortly to clean up the mess.
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Happy Early Anniversary!!!
- 1: Montana Redhead (now with letters) (Sep 10, 2002)
- 2: Ancient Brit (Sep 12, 2002)
- 3: Montana Redhead (now with letters) (Sep 13, 2002)
- 4: Ancient Brit (Sep 13, 2002)
- 5: Sol (Sep 14, 2002)
- 6: Ancient Brit (Sep 16, 2002)
- 7: Sol (Sep 17, 2002)
- 8: Montana Redhead (now with letters) (Sep 17, 2002)
- 9: Ancient Brit (Sep 27, 2002)
- 10: Montana Redhead (now with letters) (Sep 27, 2002)
- 11: Sol (Sep 28, 2002)
- 12: Montana Redhead (now with letters) (Sep 28, 2002)
- 13: Ancient Brit (Sep 29, 2002)
- 14: Ancient Brit (Sep 29, 2002)
- 15: Sol (Sep 29, 2002)
- 16: Montana Redhead (now with letters) (Sep 29, 2002)
- 17: Ancient Brit (Oct 10, 2002)
- 18: Witty Moniker (Oct 13, 2002)
- 19: Witty Moniker (Oct 13, 2002)
- 20: Ancient Brit (Oct 14, 2002)
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