This is the Message Centre for Super Shiny Sarah

Hi there.....

Post 21

Researcher 159112

I'm not sure... We've been doing Prevert poems so far smiley - smiley
I do ancient greek...supposedly!!! smiley - biggrin It is very very fun, but that may just be the tea and cake we have smiley - smiley

And I've been meaning to ask you if Will's coping ok, cos I've purposefully left him alone...

Hi there.....

Post 22

Super Shiny Sarah

God I'd have loved to have done Greek! smiley - smiley

He seems ok, but I'm not sure how he really is. I ask, but I don't like to make him talk if he doesn't want to, so I just worry quietly...

Hi there.....

Post 23

Researcher 159112

Oh dear oh dear - looks like I'll be giving up French now!!! smiley - smiley

He's never ever talked about it, and has always covered it up by being, or pretending to be happy, and i'm just worried he may blow some day...

Hi there.....

Post 24

Super Shiny Sarah

He'll have to, sooner or later, because you just can't keep it all in for ever. And although it'll hurt him and I don't want that, I'd hope that it's sooner rather than later because the longer he carries on like this the more painful it'll be when it does all finally hit him. I just hope I can be there for him in the way that he needs me to be.

Congratulations on your results, by the way! smiley - smiley

Hi there.....

Post 25

Researcher 159112

you will be smiley - smiley

Congratulations on yours too!!! smiley - biggrin I got an A* at my Greek!!!!!!! very much unexpected!!!

Hi there.....

Post 26

Super Shiny Sarah

smiley - smiley Well done!! So how many GCSEs have you got now? 13?14?

Hi there.....

Post 27

Researcher 159112

errrrr, 12 smiley - smiley

Hi there.....

Post 28

Super Shiny Sarah

Well, it's two more than I'll ever have. smiley - smiley
So have you started back to school today? I've got until Tuesday to waste time and do nothing and I'm bored. I want to go back!! smiley - wah

Hi there.....

Post 29

Researcher 159112

No, I go back next Wednesday - that's even worse!!! Not fair!!! smiley - wah I hardly know anyone else who actually *likes* work smiley - smiley
Monmouth schools started back today (tee hee hee) but you probably knew that already... Everyone went offline at about 10 yesterday, apparently to sleep.

Hi there.....

Post 30

Super Shiny Sarah

Yeah, poor them. Although I wouldn't have minded going back with Will today, just for something to do! smiley - smiley
I do like work, actually, it saves hanging about doing nothing. That's fine for a while but it gets boring really quickly I find.

Hi there.....

Post 31

Researcher 159112

Going the boys' school...with Will? smiley - biggrin

I can't cope if I don't work!!!

Hi there.....

Post 32

Super Shiny Sarah

Yeah, why not? It'd make a change and I'm dying to meet all his friends... smiley - biggrin
I know what you mean. I'm feeling the absence of anything proper to do so much that I might even start my personal statement this afternoon... God I must be desperate!!

Hi there.....

Post 33

Researcher 159112

Nooooo, you don't want to meet his friends smiley - winkeye!!!

I've nearly finished my personal statement - and it's too long smiley - grr

Hi there.....

Post 34

Super Shiny Sarah

If only. Mine's about 5 lines long so far! smiley - erm
But I'd love to meet his friends, I've heard so much about them all, Matthew especially... smiley - biggrin
And apparently they've heard lots about me, too. Just out of interest, what has he told you about me?

Hi there.....

Post 35

Researcher 159112

Nooooooooo, not Matthew! Pleeeeeease! He's so up himself he'll get lost one day smiley - winkeye He's an ex-boyfriend...
He's just told me how wonderful you are smiley - smiley And that he's in love with you smiley - smiley

Hi there.....

Post 36

Super Shiny Sarah

Aaw, isn't he sweet? smiley - smiley

I know what you mean about Matthew... when I fist met him I liked him, he was really friendly, he used to chat to me about Will and reassure me when I was worried about him... then one day he got a bit drunk on red wine at the William Jones Society meeting and told me he thought I was clingy and paranoid and he was sick of listening to me overreacting. smiley - grr Which was what he'd thought all along, the two-faced so-and-so.
Oh, and then he told me that Will was two-timing me with you, which I simply gave no credit to at all. I have no idea what he was trying to do by saying that. And then there's the way he's treated my best friend, but that's a whole other story.
We didn't speak for months, but we're talking again now for Will's sake - it can't be much fun for him to have to listen to us bitching about each other. I just try to remember when I'm talking to him that he's not necessarily saying what he really thinks. smiley - biggrin

And don't believe anyone who tells you I'm wonderful.smiley - blush I'm really not.

Hi there.....

Post 37

Researcher 159112

Well, Will said you're wonderful, and that's enough to make me believe it. And I really wouldn't worry about anything Matthew says. He spends his life twisting what everyone else says into something completely different. We split up because he managed to talk himself into believing I'd cheated on him with Will, which was completely untrue. What precipitated him telling you that Will was two-timing was that I told Matt I was having a really bad time trying to get over Will, which was true then, and still is, but I have nothing to hold against you, or Will, so don't worry about that!!! What I don't understand is why Will spends half his life being jealous of Matt - he's blatantly the nicer one smiley - smiley If I were you I'd tell Matt *nothing* unless you want it to be twisted and repeated to everyone he knows! I have *so* much experience of that!

Hi there.....

Post 38

Super Shiny Sarah

Finally, someone agrees with me about Matthew!!! (Although I'm supposed to have stopped being nasty about him...) And I know exactly what you mean about Will being jealous of him - it's pointless. Will was afraid to introduce me to Matt in case I decided I liked him better and went out with him instead. Like I ever would!!!
I don't really talk to Matt about anything important any more, I've learnt my lesson smiley - smiley

Hi there.....

Post 39

Researcher 159112

hey, don't get me wrong, Matt's a friend of mine smiley - erm...

but I do know his true colours, as it were!

Hi there.....

Post 40

Super Shiny Sarah

Yeah, I know what you mean.
I'm back to school tomorrow! Thank God!! I'm so sick of playing at being a housewife, babysitting and shopping and cleaning... I'll be glad to get out of this house, even if it is to go back to personal statements and other hellish UCAS items smiley - smiley

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