This is the Message Centre for Currently No Clever Name


Post 1


Boy, I'm glad you stuck with CNCN.

Personally, as you know, I think that's an outstanding name. After you've been on this site for 3-4 years, the cleverness will simply grow. Like moss. NO! No like moss, like a wild fire! Yeah, that's better.

So CNCN, have you read any good books lately?

smiley - cheers

Friar, the BigDawg
BTW visit me at U158503 or at my Junkyard A777305!


Post 2

Currently No Clever Name

smiley - smiley

Thanks for the comment! I'm glad to know someone likes my name which is not actually a name...or however that should go. smiley - bigeyes

Books? Well, I just finished Hearts in Atlantis (Stephen King)...and I'm working on finishing Napalm and Silly Putty (George Carlin). How about you?

--CNCN smiley - zen


Post 3


I just finished reading Tom Robbins (ABSOLUTELY NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH TONY ROBBINS)smiley - ermsmiley - ill, Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates.

I've read it three or four times. I seem to gravitate towards his books when the weather wamrs up, no idea why.

I've got a load of reading for school to do, but I'll probably end up reading Salmon of Doubt first (which I JUST GOT TODAY!!!).

I've also managed to sneak in a few movies this summer.
I've kinda been out of commission for a few months, no bokks or movies of any kind.

smiley - cheers
Friar, the Big Dawg


Post 4

Currently No Clever Name

My Academic Team coach introduced me to Tom Robbins about three months ago. I enjoyed his work very much, I should go out and buy it for myself sometime.

Salmon of Doubt is out!?!?!? Gosh...I need to find it somewhere.

Hmmm...I suppose I should be saving my money for college (I'm a freshman this year), but I think I'll go book hunting soon. smiley - smiley

--CNCN smiley - zen


Post 5


The easiest way to impress people when you move in to the dorm is to have great stuff, the BEST way is to have great books.

BTW, where are you going to school?
smiley - cheers


Post 6

Currently No Clever Name

I'll be attending the University of Tennessee beginning this fall. It wasn't exactly my first choice...but it was the only school that offered to pay for me. smiley - smiley

I'll have to remember that bit about books...maybe I will have some hope once I get there. smiley - bigeyes

I see you mentioned reading for school. Are you in college? If so, where?

--CNCN smiley - zen


Post 7


You'll have a blast at UT.

I went to U of Michigan, but now I'm in Medical School at the Chicago Medical School (not to be confused with the University of Chicago Medical School, a totally different facility). My school doesn't have undergrads, just med school and a bunch of PhD type stuff.

Don;t worry aobut the "not my first choice" stuff. Go there, kick ass, and love it!
A my best friend got $$$ to go to Tulane (in New Orleans). It's a good school, but like you, not his first choice. He had a blast, got great grades and is now currently lovin' life.

So from now on UT is YOUR school. It's a big place, and you're bound to find some stuff you love there. There's certain to be loads of garbage, hillbillies, a**holes and annoyances. It's a place just like everywhere else.

*getting off his soapbox*

I've been looking for a new author to love. I tend to find one, read everything they write and find another. . .repeat.
I'm pretty far down the list at this point, could you suggest someone I don't know perhaps?


Post 8

Currently No Clever Name

smiley - smiley Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it.

I don't know who you've read, but I can tell you who I've read and enjoyed. I've always been a big fan of Vonnegut, Asimov, Clarke, and Herbert, but those persons are really well known so I suppose you've read them. I recently finished one of Eric Idle's books, The Road to Mars, and was blown away. It was very good.

Other than that I can't think of anything at the moment, but if I do I'll be sure to tell ya.

--CNCN smiley - zen


Post 9


Eric Idle it is then.
Of course I'm familiar with the guys you've mentioned. With the exception of Vonnegut, the other three guys were writing MACHINES. They wrote tons of books. I've read all of Herbert, and a few Clarke and a few Asimov. Vonnegut wrote a lot, but the other guys were almost writing serials (or actually were writing serials. . um, DUNE!).

Thanks for the suggestion.

You should read Tom Robbins, I started with Still Life with Woodpecker and then read everything else (except Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas which I kept starting and not finishing).
It's not sci-fi fantasy stuff, but it's certainly not straightforward fiction.

smiley - cheers


Post 10

Currently No Clever Name

I'll definitely do my best to find some Tom Robbins. I started one of them earlier this year, but I was really busy at the time and had to give it back to the person who loaned it to me.

A friend introduced me to three books yesterday, all of which he highly recommended. I'm working on reading Telempath by Spider Robinson. The others are Gateway by Frederick Pohl and Roadmarks by Roger Zelazny. I intend to read those eventually. smiley - smiley

--CNCN smiley - zen


Post 11


I'm sad now;
I had to put down the Slamon of Doubt (after only 10 pages), to research the shoulder for a presentation I have to do tomorrow.
At least I'm getting a Guide Entry out of it.

smiley - cheers


Post 12

Currently No Clever Name

Well, sorry I didn't manage to wish you luck on your presentation earlier, but I suppose I should send my belated well wishes. smiley - smiley

And I'll have to check out your guide entry when you finish it. smiley - bigeyes

--CNCN smiley - zen


Post 13


No presentation today.
I was all excited, then it got cancel.
Stupid patient got sick.

Damn them!

I was totally ready too. Oh well, maybe next week.


Post 14

Currently No Clever Name

Oh no! How ironic that your patient was too sick to be in a medical presentation.

At least you'll have another week to get even more prepared than you would've been anyway. smiley - smiley

Well, good luck again!

--CNCN smiley - zen


Post 15


You're right. It's a good thing that I've got more time. It's already a good presentation, now I can edit it a bit and maybe add some more info.

Anyway, even if I don't get to present (i've only got another week at this hospital) I have enough material that if I ever need to do a presentation somewhere else, I'm all set.

Here's to a happy weekend!
smiley - cheers


Post 16


I sent an conversatin to the entry you added to peer review. Go check it out if it doesn't pop up for you automatically


Post 17


Congrats on the entry CNCN, can't wait to see it on the front page!


Post 18

Currently No Clever Name

Thanks bunchies, I hope it makes it. smiley - smiley

So how're things?

--CNCN smiley - zen


Post 19


Things are really good. Going to a BBQ tonight.
mmm. . .BBQ. . .mmm

Anyway, I'm pretty excited that I got a recipe in the Post this week, tat's kinda fun, I'm sure it'll get into the edited Guide, which is cool. It's kinda wierd how something so little, makes me kinda proud.

i had that presentation today. Went OK. My boss said it was impressive, but I felt a little overwhelmed. They write TEXTBOOKS on the shoudler (my topic) and I talked for only 30 minutes. I was trying not to bore anyone. I guess it was fine.

The big thing is that now that I have a presentation all set, I can save it and make it better next time. It's like saving a term paper and using it for another class. heh heh see? clever.

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