This is the Message Centre for Researcher U197087

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Post 41

Researcher U197087

smiley - laugh Barking. Great moves too!

The links report

Post 42

Researcher U197087

Well, here's someone making pictures out of Rubik's cubes.

The links report

Post 43

psychocandy-moderation team leader

That's one use for them. I've been trying to solve mine for about 20 years. smiley - rolleyes Peeling the stickers off and moving them doesn't work, either.

The links report

Post 44

Researcher U197087

The links report

Post 45

Researcher U197087

They'll get my raygun when they pry it from my cold dead hand...

The links report

Post 46

Researcher U197087

If you've been to TGI Friday's - try IFH Monday's

The links report

Post 47

Researcher U197087

smiley - yikes 'king HUGE saxamophone - a contrabass sax. You could probably fit a soprano sax in the bell.

The links report

Post 48

Researcher U197087

Cat playing a theremin. It's the last moment that does it.

I'll have a pint of this -

The links report

Post 49


Hey, I really LIKE the Rubik's cube portraits!

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Post 50

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

I'd like to see a cat playing a contra-bass saxaphone.

The links report

Post 51

Researcher U197087

He'd probably only try to shred it or eat it.

I do have a guest cat, Scruffy, who comes round once in a while. And now, a theremin. smiley - evilgrin

The links report

Post 52

Researcher U197087

smiley - wah Hilarious, bonkers, unnecessarily violent Oscar-nominated animation

The links report

Post 53

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I must be missing out on a lot in this thread, since I can't view video or photo hosting pages from here. smiley - laugh

The links report

Post 54

Researcher U197087

Sorry PC, I just can't help sharing this random nonsense. Think of it as a cultural guacamole into which one might, whenever motivated, dip the tortilla chip of their curiosity. smiley - winkeye

The links report

Post 55

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Mmmmm. Guacamole. smiley - drool

The links report

Post 56

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Thought you said you were full.

The links report

Post 57


So you got your Theramin I take it. Is it awesome? Can you make the sound of landing UFOs? Is it practically impossible to play acurately due to a lack of physical feed back? And most importantly, does it have a midi output?

smiley - bigeyes

The links report

Post 58

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.


smiley - biggrin

The links report

Post 59

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Damn, can't view that from here, either. The pages load funny (all text and stuff). Am I maybe missing an update to something here?

And I'm never too full for guacamole... a girl can always upchuck to make a bit more room.

The links report

Post 60

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

smiley - erm And you've proably never even heard of Hughie Green.

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