Welcome to The Surreal Lunchbox

I just love this thing


Place of Residence: Honolulu, HI

Home Towns: Chicago, Illinois and Ann Arbor, Michigan

Proffesion: Analyst

Music: Radiohead, Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan, U2, Fugazi, Philosopher Kings, Soul Coughing, Morphine, Jack Johnson, Tool, Jimmy Eat World, Leonard Cohen, Diggable Planets, G Love and Special Sauce, Cake, Morcheeba, Jim White, Hooverphonic, Bach, Mozart, Johnny Cash, Sly and the Family Stone, Rusted Root, Dire Staits, The Police, White Stripes, The Cranberries, BB King, Eric Clapton, The Beatles, The RollingStones, Aphex Twin, Nine Inch Nails, and a host of others.

Literature: Douglas N. Adams(may his memory be eternal), Jack Kerouac(My Favorites:Dharma Bums, On the Road ), William Burroughs(Naked Lunch), Haruki Murakami(I love everything he writes. Absolute genius!)David Mitchell(Ghostwritten, #9 Dream), Niel Gaimon(American Gods), Douglas Coupland, Chuck Palahniuk, Tom Robbins, Nick Hornby, Jame Joyce, Kirt Vonnegette, Robert A. Hienlien, Ayn Rand, Charles Bukowski, Tom Powers, Joseph Conrad, Earnest Hemmingway, Neal Cassidy(First Third), Ken Keasey, Albert Camus, Martin Amis and again, a whole plethera of others.

Films/Television: The Last Time I Committed Suicide, Fight Club, TrainSpotting, American Beauty, American Psycho, Zoolander, Resevoir Dogs, Good Will Hunting, Casablanca, Citizen Cane, Happy Texas, O Brother Where Art Thou, Indiana Jones(the first and third films), Rosemaries Baby, Lost Highway, Twin Peaks, Scrubs, Monty Python(anything they've produced), A fish Called Wanda, Twelve Monkies, The Razors Edge, Seven Years in Tibet, The Last Emperor, Shogun, Roots, ER, and...oh the list goes on and on.

Other/Misc: Henry Kissinger, Salvidor Dali, Monet, MC Escher, the occult, Freemasons and any other "secret society", architecture, archeology(especially Egypt, Asia and South and Central America), rock climbing, surfing, politics, history, current international affairs, environmental/ecological issues, insuring the uninsured, religeon, philosophy, languages, and all things zen.

A man handling an orange in a very zen way


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Entropy(Chaos' brooding nextdoor neighbor)

Researcher U196887


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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