
3 Conversations


We who speak the English language are terribly fortunate. While most other tongues are satisfied with a few hundred thousand words, we English speaking folk somehow require over 1.5 million (and counting). And yet even with this exorbitant number of words, we are inclined to rip (whole or occasionally fragmented) words and phrases from the smaller, less robust languages.

This habit we've developed shows no signs of abating. Indeed it seems that the opposite is true. As the global culture begins to really sink its' teeth into what remains of our individual countries (not that I'm a big fan of globalization, mind you.) it seems we must begin to understand each other on a more fundamental level.

The most fundamental quantitative level, as any linguist worth their salt will tell you is, the level of interpersonal communication. While many of us would like to press our own language onto all the non-English speaking heathens, that simply is not the way these things work out.

So in an effort to facilitate a more understanding, talkative, and colorful language (and world?), the h2g2 community has graciously lent me their linguistic talents and resources to come up with The Untranslatables.

These words are from languages other than English that are not already integrated into English and for which we have no directly correlating word.

So without further ado, I give you The Untranslatables.


Schadenfruede: the pleasure one feels from witnessing another's misfortunes. (German)

Mokita: The truth that no one speaks. (Kiriwina, New Guinea)

Please reply with any untranslatables that you may have. We could build a whole new vocabulary.


I have to site Will Furgeson's book "HappinessTM" for these words and this idea.

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