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Well...I put it off and put it off but I've finally got round to putting my page into you will see there is no change smiley - biggrin.
Well apart from a shiney new button, and a list of people who've put me down as a friend (non so far but at least that means I haven't offended anyone by not returning the favour).

Quite pleased...I know it wasn't a particularly adventurous task but I only messed up oncesmiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Nov 25, 2002


Big nasty project is now complete...hurray!!!!. Finally I can get back to wasting time doing silly little things...well untill TPTB actually read said project and come back requesting investigation of x,y & z...ho hum, at least there should be a reasonable amount of lag time between now and then, and I've also got the other looming big nasty project off my back temporarily too smiley - biggrin

And I'm going to see HP2 on Thursday night with the mother in law smiley - biggrin (it's an x-mas pressie and so we're going the whole hog, popcorn, maltesers, hotdogs, nachos etc etc etc...and then we're doing it all again for LOTR:TTT smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Nov 13, 2002

Another one bites the dust

Considering changing my name to The Thread Slayer....I have an uncanny nack of either posting to a thread just as it dies...or (more likely) posting something that just kills the thread instantly.

Oh could be worse, at least I've never started a thread that went nowhere...its other people thread I'm killing not my own.

smiley - evilgrin

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Latest reply: Oct 18, 2002


"You can always trust PencilQueen to come up with a daft solution."

Can you?...I don't think I do. I don't think I trust me with anything.

For some reason reading this in a thread completely threw me...I think it is because it is the first time anyone has actually mentioned how I come accross on h2g2...I wasn't aiming for daft (and I was being semi-serious at the time...suddenly realised that if we were all identical the dna profiling and fingerprinting - not to mention id cards would be obsolete) but I'll take it as I hope it was intended...daft can be good.

And anyway I think I can give Master B a bit of leeway seeing as his journal has been entertaining me for the last week or so smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Oct 9, 2002

Going 'round in circles

So, here I am working hard again, except I really can't get motivated to do the *big nasty project* and so I'm devoting lots of time to the *little easy projects* and now they are all done...managed to get some work done on friday but today I've managed to lose all the momentum again...pants. I'll put it down to this bug I picked up from hubby...hopefully I'll feel a bit better tomorrow and be able to actually achieve something. In the meantime I'll post lots of garbage to different threads in an attempt to sound busy to my office mates (the whispering twosome who don't seem to realise how rude it is to start whispering in a corner when there is someone else in the room).

Oh dear this has turned into a bit of a whinge...made me feel better though - its official today I'm doing FA.

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Latest reply: Sep 16, 2002

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