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Flanker Posted Jul 29, 2002
Hi =PTG and hello Jebediah Jehosephat!
How's it going!
Not long until your first night. Hope the rehersals are going fine.
Another weekend over and its back to work. Ah well life must go on.
Pete *not quite dead yet* Posted Jul 31, 2002
Hiya Flanker!
Things are going good, pretty quiet.. How's about you??
Rehearsals are often, slow, and boring, but that's table work.. All's well..
Hope your weekend was good..
W**k = evil..
-Pete n JJ
Flanker Posted Jul 31, 2002
Hi Pete
How's JJ the ?
It's going pretty slow over here too.
I didn't do much spent Sunday afternoon at the pool which was
Wheather pretty cr*p rain rain rain.....Stick with the rehersals it will come good on the night.
Catch you later
Pete *not quite dead yet* Posted Aug 1, 2002
Hey Flanker
JJ's good.. Although xyroth was talking about eating fluffy bunnies..
I will protect my WarBunny!
Not that he needs it..
Right on.. Chillin' at the pool is always fun!
Yikes! I like rain, but not in the summer..
Yah, I've got to be at each one, unfortunately for me.. ;P
Pete n JJ
Ancient Brit Posted Aug 7, 2002
Hi Flanker.
I'm Enlish but please don't hold that against me.
Got you in 'What makes you feel old ?'
Thought I'd have a tanners worth in this connection.
Me and my wife honeymooned in Dunoon when the 'rest and be thankful' was truly the 'rest and be thankful'
We stayed at the Lauderdale - Harry Lauders old place.
It was a few days before Cobb lost his life on Loch Ness.
That should date me a bit.
Glad you got over your illness.
Flanker Posted Aug 7, 2002
I'll not hold that your English against you . Just as long as you don't hold me being Scottish against me
Dunoon is still there but it has changed a fair bit since 1952 when you and you better half were here. Incidently that was the year my folks get married. Funny and five years before I was born. which is a complete give away about my age.
Ancient Brit Posted Aug 7, 2002
Hi Junior Oldie
So you remember logs.
Were you allowed to take a slide rule into exams ?
I was about 18 when I first used one.
You got the the raer of our wedding ( A Cobb give away )
1952 What does that make it this year ?
We may come up to Scotland to celebrate it.
Flanker Posted Aug 7, 2002
Hi Senior Oldie,
We could take *either* a slide rule or logs into exams but not both
I make it that you are to celebrate your 50th Wedding Aniversary this year. Sometime around the 20ish of September I guess. This is your Golden Year. Congratulations .
If you do come up we'll need to meet up and have a or two.
Must Go Now
Ancient Brit Posted Aug 7, 2002
Well done 98% It's the 18th.
We got to Loch Ness in the afternoon of Cobbs death.
He had died in the morning. We went to the south side of th loch in order to get a good view of his record attemt. We were too late.
Be around
Ancient Brit Posted Aug 7, 2002
P.S. We were not allowed slide rules my early exams. Just Log/Maths tables that were provided. All working out had to be shown in the margins.
Flanker Posted Aug 8, 2002
Good Morning,
That just shows you that "progress" was under way even then. I remember that we had to show all the working out in the margin as you say.
Also I can remember sitting a Statistics exam at uni where we were given the paper a week before the exam and allowed to take notes into the exam with us. Needless to say we all passed.
Ancient Brit Posted Aug 8, 2002
In one of the last exams that I took we were allowed to take refence books in with us. No Univerity for me I followed the day release and night school route into engineering. I got a University grant. but in those days just after the war places were very hard to come by.
My mate and I tried for Manchester but failed, he subsequently got into Durham (Only red brick universities in those days no Polys)
I gave up trying and relinquished my grant. I managed to become a M.I.Mech.E.C.Eng which sounds rather impressive. It got me into an interesting and fulfilling job.
Talk again
Flanker Posted Aug 8, 2002
Well that's the main thing - that you found your job fulfilling. For So many people nowadays this doesn't happen and so they get frustrated and aggressive and it leads to trouble.
Hey I've just thought ,18th Sept, you should put bet on Capt S's baby being born then on the "The Return of.... The H2G2 Sweepstakes" thread in "ask the H2G2 Community"
Just a thought,
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- 101: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 25, 2002)
- 102: Flanker (Jul 29, 2002)
- 103: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Jul 31, 2002)
- 104: Flanker (Jul 31, 2002)
- 105: Pete *not quite dead yet* (Aug 1, 2002)
- 106: Ancient Brit (Aug 7, 2002)
- 107: Flanker (Aug 7, 2002)
- 108: Ancient Brit (Aug 7, 2002)
- 109: Flanker (Aug 7, 2002)
- 110: Ancient Brit (Aug 7, 2002)
- 111: Flanker (Aug 7, 2002)
- 112: Ancient Brit (Aug 7, 2002)
- 113: Ancient Brit (Aug 7, 2002)
- 114: Flanker (Aug 8, 2002)
- 115: Ancient Brit (Aug 8, 2002)
- 116: Flanker (Aug 8, 2002)
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