Journal Entries

Whose Standard?

The one thing that the deniers of God hate is death. It is the one element of the truth of God that they cannot intellectually dispose of. They know that they are going to die, and cannot escape their appointment with it. Most of them know, if they are honest, that they are terrified of dying and fear what comes afterwards, even if they have been keen advocates of the 'alternative religion' gambit of disposing of Almighty God. Generally the younger, and hence, more foolish they are the bolder they are in denying that they are going to die.

However, ever so many who are professing Christians also fear dying, as they are no more born again than the atheists, agnostics, etc. And they too are worried, as they know that they have no assurance of salvation, and no confidence of their eternal security, just like the childless woman 'Theresa', one of the latest godlets of the RC religion. She had no assurance according to those who interviewed her, poor woman.

This insecurity is born of one thing; not being conformed to the will of God here and now. All rights belong to God. This is His Earth, He made it, He owns it, and He sustains it, as long as He wishes. Salvation from sin and death is here and NOW. Those who are not in the gift of salvation are fearful of death.

Come Judgement Day people all discover that God does not use any measure that they use, but His own. We all decide what is right and what is wrong by comparing what we have as our value system. Almighty God has stated what the correct value system is on His Earth, and the vast majority prefer something else.

When His people stand before Him they do not have a problem, as they have been conformed to the values of Almighty God, and, as they are being judged against them on Judgement Day they do not have a problem. They might be slightly off here and there, but that is not a problem.

However, the unsaved are in a completely different camp, and live without God all their lives, having refused Him His rightful place in their lives as Lord and master. All is not well for them when they meet Him face to face, as all do.

It is interesting to see the Satanic value systems being adopted worldwide by those who are stupid enough to think that God and His dominion can be overthrown by mere men if they adopt a denial strategy, or an alternative religion, or similar. Some are even daft enough to think that the date or the fashion of the age dispenses with God! You often hear people say, "Everything is changed now, this is the 21st Century!" No one who has died believes that!

You see people adopting this demonic think in making value judgements too. You see them using them when deciding if sodo-marriage is good or not. Because they have dispensed with decency and God's way, and have adopted demonic thinking, they compare filth with filth, and naturally do not see anything wrong with it, poor souls. If one has dispensed with holiness the only other alternative is 'anything goes'.

HOWEVER, come Judgement Day ALL human beings will be COMPARED WITH GOD who is HOLY, and ONLY holiness will stand before Him as being right. Everyone stands before Him, and, as with putting a straight edge on a wall you can see if there are any irregularities in the wall, so it is in this case.

IT WILL BE CHRIST YOU ARE MEASURED AGAINST ON JUDGEMENT DAY, not any value held by Satan and his followers.

"...and holiness, without which NO MAN shall see the Lord."

"Be ye HOLY even as I am HOLY."

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Latest reply: Mar 13, 2004


Very many people use one of the following gambits to 'protect' them from God, and Judgement, a bit like some people use a 'lucky' talisman. Let's run a few of these gambits and see what the result will be against what Almighty God has said.....


This is the person who honestly thinks that he/she can dispose of Almighty God by not believing in Him. Almighty God says that all human beings do know that there is a God, in their heart of hearts, but won't acknowledge Him.

So, our No.1 Gambit user dies. (Even they acknowledge that they are going to die, but don't like to talk about it as it tends to destroy their whole gambit.) A split second later they are awake and aware in Hell. They are terror struck, as they had 'always said that this place did not exist'. But there they are. They cannot now deny it, but still don't want to accept it either. So they resort to screaming at God, whom they have forgotten that they have done away with by denial, and, according to them, does not exist; so screaming at Him is a bit stupid really. But, in the flame and torment they are in they don't mind being a bit of a hypocrite. They are in too much pain to care about what anyone thinks.

A while later suddenly they find that they are out of Hell, and reunited with a re-constituted body. Wonderful! But, oh dear, there is Jesus Christ on His Judgement Throne.

An angel brings them before Him, and Jesus asks the angel stood by, "Does his/her name appear in the Book of Life?" And the angel says, "No, Lord." And suddenly our Gambit No.1 user remembers his/her mantra, "I don't believe in you! You do not exist! Did not 'I' always say that you did not exist! You CANNOT do this to me!"

But the Lord does not speak to him/her, He just says, "Depart from me ye cursed into the lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels..." And Gabmit No.1 user is cast alive into the lake of fire, to endure the price of sin forever, and ever, with no end. In that place no one has any time to deny God, and do anything else but scream.

So sad when they could have come to Christ in their life and got rid of their sin.


This gambit user is a bit different, but similar to the above. They think that by using the device of doing an 'alternative religion' that the one True God is disposed of, and what He has said through Christ, and done in the sacrifice of His Son, is invalidated, or rendered ineffective.

A moment after death the same thing happens. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, NO MAN cometh to the Father but by ME." Jn.14:6 But gambit no.2 user thought to insult God and spit on the blood of Christ and find their own way to save themselves, when God has said that it is impossible.

At Judgement Day roughly the same thing happens to gambit no.2 user as to gambit no.1 user, except they are appealing to their religion and telling Christ that He has no jurisidiction over them as they serve another god, who is, by the way, already in the lake of fire at this stage.


This gambit user thinks that if he/she can only find fault in a professing Christian, and preferably a real Christian, that the whole Truth of God is overthrown and they can ignore God, and enjoy their sin. They think that sin in a Christian means that Jesus is also a sinner and unrighteous and not fit to judge them.

A moment after they die they too are in Hell. And there are all the nominal Christians that they found fault with too. The shock and surprise is palpable, as they thought that nominals were real Christians, and that faults in them, and many there were, invalidated God!

A while later they are up before Christ. They point a finger at Him and say "You cannot judge me! Look at all those Christians who were in Hell with me! Your people are just as bad as I ever was." But Jesus does not say anything, and the same thing happens as to no.1 gambit user. (Those who die without Christ do not have questions asked of them).

All this is a terrible shock to this gambit user as he/she thought that if there was fault in others then they did not need to listen to God. And they also thought that fault in nominal Christians, and real Christians particularly, meant that God was unrighteous too, and that they could ignore Him. WRONG! As the quickly find out.

These are the main gambits commonly used. But I am sure there are others. Anyone want to offer some more?

No gambit users as above enjoy anything past their death. Only those who acknowledge and confess that they are sinners and utterly wicked, and come to Christ for forgiveness, mercy, and a whole new life free from sin, are saved.


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Latest reply: Mar 12, 2004

Whose Rights?

In society at large, and in the wretched media, we hear the phrase 'human rights' often mentioned. But why?

"The Earth is the Lord's and fulness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein. For He hath founded it upon the seas and established it upon the floods."

With the invention of the myth of 'evolution' and the wicked religion of 'science' on the back of it, people think that if some poor blind soul in a white coat says something is true it is. But they never think that what God says might be true. Those who live in darkness believe the others who live in darkness. And mere men believe other mere men, above Almighty God.

It is all part of the 'denial gambit' which they employ to deal with the conciousness of God and get some relief from shame, disgrace, and fear that would naturally follow their commission of sin against God. Much the same as my little brother, when I was a child, who turned to me one day, clapped his hands over his eyes, and said, "You can't see me!" They think that if they can only deny God enough He will not exist. Very childish and very stupid! But downright and conciously wicked too.

Having 'disposed with' the Maker, Owner, and Sustainer of Heaven and Earth,they think that now they should have 'rights', and be gods themselves, dictating what is right and what is not. They look upon themselves as mere animals, higher ones, but animals nevertheless, and they behave like it too. They engage in empty whoring/fornicating/sodomy/and worse like animals. They treat others badly. And they exalt wretched blind 'scientists' to the place of God for being so clever as to invent the means by which they were delivered from feeling bad about their wickedness. They grasp this new religion of 'science' and its main tenet 'evolution', and all is well! So they think. Only to find out a moment after death that they have not succeeded, as God is not a mere intellectual position to be disposed of at their will.


He made and owns this world, and the moment He is finished with it He is going to burn it; a sort of 'global warming' on steroids.

NO HUMAN BEING HAS RIGHTS, only responsibilities. 'Human rights' is an antichrist and wicked denial of God. All human beings have to realise that they must repent and turn to Christ before it is too late.

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Latest reply: Mar 6, 2004

Total Disappearance Follows

After trying to get some answers about what folks thought about the Anglican religion and its recent sink to the lowest forms of sin so as to be acceptable to sinners, there is one step to follow this.

It appears to me that Almighty God has put His hand, at last, against the Anglican religion, and I believe we will see it disappear, or all but disappear, in the next two or three years.

As sinners are now being more honest, and straining after all manner of evil, and constantly testing for every deeper pockets of depravity to plumb, the nominal Christians are forced to choose. Their choice is between holiness unto the Lord, or sin. They will, of course, choose sin. They cannot do anything else.

This country is now virtually as pagan/heathen as it was before the gospel arrived here, some time around three years post the Day of Pentecost. Seeing as nominals, in their heart of hearts, really want the way of the world, they will, as the world ceases to be hypocritical, and aspire to Christian things, go off with the world. We are now looking at the UK becoming an Antichrist secular humanistic state, where morality is relative to whatever people want. The Anglican religion will disappear, and the few that are the Lord's in it will have to meet as the Lord wants.

It is very sad to see people cease from reaching up to a standard, and now straining for the lowest, but it is all prophesied. Jesus said, "As in the days of Noah, and as in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man." In the days of Noah the Earth was full of violence, it is now. In the days of Lot Sodom and Gomorrah were full of sodomy and all manner of filthy sexual depravity, so beloved of media/politician/worldly types today.

It appears that Judgement has begun as the Bible says. It starts with the church. From the real Christians, and then out through the nominals to the world, is how God works. Say goodbye to the Anglican religion, and its mother, the Catholic religion.

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Latest reply: Feb 23, 2004

Total Meltdown?

In the UK God's standards were held to be correct and informed the law of the land, and society's attitudes. In the 1950's people began to loosen that, and in the 60's God's standards were rejected. People threw out the Bible as any guide to how they should live. As the Bible itself says, "Every man did that which was right in his own eyes."

There is a problem with this though. Having thrown out all absolute standards society is immediately cut adrift, and eventually anything goes. With the loss of such absolute standards and the authority they give to the law it is inevitable that the law ends up being held in contempt, and new laws are drafted to fit in with the downward drift of society, rather than the standards informing the society. In other words, rather than setting a standard to be looked up to, now they set standards to be reached down to. There is a constant push in the media to see how far down they can sink, and what they can get away with without some regulator jumping on them. That is just one of the signs that it is happening.

With the loss of absolute standards comes the loss of any respect for authority, now widespread, and the loss of any sense of decency. A sodomite will now feel mightily miffed if someone tells him that the depravities so loved by his sort are filth. Whereas he would have hung his head in shame, he is now militant. A whore gets pretty upset when she is told that what she does is evil, and filth, in 'sleeping around', and so on. Everyone has their own idea of what is right and what is not.

This inevitably leads to one thing; the rule of the stronger over the weaker. Whoever can shout the loudest, cause the most mayhem, and has the most power to visit pain on the opposition, rules the roost, until someone stronger comes along.

All this leads to the collapse of society. And I predict that this country will see such a collapse within the next 20 years, if not the next 10.

Having heaved overboard any recognition of God they have shot themselves in the foot. It will soon be perfectly OK to commit paedophilic acts. Why not? It is just the sexuality of the paedophile that drives him, in much the same way that the sexuality of the whore/fornicator or sodomite drives them. Who can then tell them that they are wrong? You cannot point to the Bible. Whilst paedophiles are wicked in the eyes of God so are sodomites, whores fornicators and adulterers. If you point a finger at a paedophile he will simply point one back at you!

So you end up with the rule of those who are the strongest to assert their ideas. Their standard becomes the norm. And what if a joint grouping of sodomites and paedophiles become strongest............?

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Latest reply: Feb 19, 2004

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