This is a Journal entry by Researcher 195767
Whose Standard?
Researcher 195767 Started conversation Mar 13, 2004
The one thing that the deniers of God hate is death. It is the one element of the truth of God that they cannot intellectually dispose of. They know that they are going to die, and cannot escape their appointment with it. Most of them know, if they are honest, that they are terrified of dying and fear what comes afterwards, even if they have been keen advocates of the 'alternative religion' gambit of disposing of Almighty God. Generally the younger, and hence, more foolish they are the bolder they are in denying that they are going to die.
However, ever so many who are professing Christians also fear dying, as they are no more born again than the atheists, agnostics, etc. And they too are worried, as they know that they have no assurance of salvation, and no confidence of their eternal security, just like the childless woman 'Theresa', one of the latest godlets of the RC religion. She had no assurance according to those who interviewed her, poor woman.
This insecurity is born of one thing; not being conformed to the will of God here and now. All rights belong to God. This is His Earth, He made it, He owns it, and He sustains it, as long as He wishes. Salvation from sin and death is here and NOW. Those who are not in the gift of salvation are fearful of death.
Come Judgement Day people all discover that God does not use any measure that they use, but His own. We all decide what is right and what is wrong by comparing what we have as our value system. Almighty God has stated what the correct value system is on His Earth, and the vast majority prefer something else.
When His people stand before Him they do not have a problem, as they have been conformed to the values of Almighty God, and, as they are being judged against them on Judgement Day they do not have a problem. They might be slightly off here and there, but that is not a problem.
However, the unsaved are in a completely different camp, and live without God all their lives, having refused Him His rightful place in their lives as Lord and master. All is not well for them when they meet Him face to face, as all do.
It is interesting to see the Satanic value systems being adopted worldwide by those who are stupid enough to think that God and His dominion can be overthrown by mere men if they adopt a denial strategy, or an alternative religion, or similar. Some are even daft enough to think that the date or the fashion of the age dispenses with God! You often hear people say, "Everything is changed now, this is the 21st Century!" No one who has died believes that!
You see people adopting this demonic think in making value judgements too. You see them using them when deciding if sodo-marriage is good or not. Because they have dispensed with decency and God's way, and have adopted demonic thinking, they compare filth with filth, and naturally do not see anything wrong with it, poor souls. If one has dispensed with holiness the only other alternative is 'anything goes'.
HOWEVER, come Judgement Day ALL human beings will be COMPARED WITH GOD who is HOLY, and ONLY holiness will stand before Him as being right. Everyone stands before Him, and, as with putting a straight edge on a wall you can see if there are any irregularities in the wall, so it is in this case.
IT WILL BE CHRIST YOU ARE MEASURED AGAINST ON JUDGEMENT DAY, not any value held by Satan and his followers.
"...and holiness, without which NO MAN shall see the Lord."
"Be ye HOLY even as I am HOLY."
Whose Standard?
(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia Posted Mar 13, 2004
can't see any holes in that argument
Whose Standard?
Noggin the Nog Posted Mar 13, 2004
Really? Or should you have added a smiley?
If it's the first the false premise in the first sentence should get you started.
Whose Standard?
Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist Posted Mar 13, 2004
Hi Justin
As usual you could not be more wrong. But hey let's not break up a successful run heh?
"The one thing that the deniers of God hate is death. It is the one element of the truth of God that they cannot intellectually dispose of...etc,etc..."
It seems to me old friend that it is you and your little middle eastern cult that is obsessed with death. That give up all elements of their free will in a desperate attempt to cheat death, to gain life everlasting. Very sad indeed.
If you ever took the time to listen to those you despise we could tell you a few things. For instance death is not to be feared, it is just part of the natural cycle of life, death and rebirth. All living things have their time and then pass on, returning their physical form to the land, from whence it will bloom anew in another form.
We have no fear of the hereafter for we have no great judge who may, at a whim, cast us into a lake of fire. What is it like to live in such mortal fear of judgement Justin that you are willing to give up nearly every vestige of what makes you human? I would pity you except that I know in your next life you will have time to choose again, and again, and again.
What I do pity you for is the vision I have of you clinging to the coat-tails of a philosophy that would have us believe that it is worthy to serve a God who, despite the fact he could save everyone, would rather sacrifice 99.5% (your figures) of his children because they have failed to meet the standards he both set and denied them the chance to live up to.
If you are proved right then I want you to remember the 199 people that your God denied and will torture for eternity so that you could have your place on the bus. Weep for the children Justin, the innocent children. Then look your God in the eye and tell him he is just.
If you are right, yet for some perverse reason I was offered a place on that bus, I could not, in all conscience, take it. Amongst the other 199 people I am sure I could find someone more worthy than I to take my place.
In your arrogance though, I doubt that you could!
For this reason I deny your God and shall be forever Apostate.
Matholwch the Apostate /|\.
Whose Standard?
Researcher 524695 Posted Mar 14, 2004
Oh this does get easier, doesn't it?
"The one thing that the deniers of God hate is death."
Wrong. Incorrect. Inaccurate. Erroneous.
I don't hate death. Without death we'd have massive overpopulation and no such thing as burgers, and then where would we be? Death is an excellent idea, particularly when applied to Christians...
"It is the one element of the truth of God that they cannot intellectually dispose of."
Well, the *fact* of death cannot be disposed of. The concept of God, on the other hand, is itself logically self-contradictory. Death is therefore NOT a "truth of God", but rather a truth of nature, and not one I'd want to see the back of.
"Most of them know, if they are honest, that they are terrified of dying"
This is what doctors call "projection", Justin. You are labouring under the delusion that because this is what YOU feel, then everyone must feel the same. I'm not terrified of dying. On the whole I'd rather do it later than sooner, but I have to confess that as I get older, I am in some ways quite looking forward to it.
"and fear what comes afterwards, even if they have been keen advocates of the 'alternative religion' gambit of disposing of Almighty God."
I don't "fear what comes afterwards" any more than I fear square circles. Nothing comes afterwards, that's why I'm not afraid. You, my friend, are the one with something to fear.
"Generally the younger, and hence, more foolish they are the bolder they are in denying that they are going to die."
Ah, there's no fool like an old fool, eh? Ridiculing the young. Cheap, Justin, very cheap. You might at least accuse them of something real, or even try actually speaking to a young person. Most of the ones I know are more than aware of death and its inevitability, I'm afraid. If you are projecting again I can only conclude, without much surprise, that you must have been a exceptionally slow-witted youth.
"However, ever so many who are professing Christians also fear dying"
Really? And you know this how?
"All rights belong to God."
Then why do you rail against the curtailment of your free speech on this and other boards? You have no right to it...
"Almighty God has stated what the correct value system is on His Earth, and the vast majority prefer something else."
If you say so. But they prefer something else because they know nothing else. You repeatedly tell us that we cannot know God until he authors saving faith in us.
If we don't use His standards, then that is HIS FAULT, not ours.
"When His people stand before Him they do not have a problem"
Well whoopy-f**kin-doo for you.
", as they have been conformed to the values of Almighty God, and, as they are being judged against them on Judgement Day they do not have a problem. They might be slightly off here and there, but that is not a problem."
Yeah, keep telling yourself that Justin. You don't sound scared at all. It's going to be OK, there's no problem, I might be a bit off here and there, but it's no problem, it's dark, but I'm whistling, and the monsters can't get you when you whistle...
"However, the unsaved are in a completely different camp, and live without God all their lives, having refused Him His rightful place in their lives as Lord and master."
Hang on... I'll refuse him his place in my life ONLY when he actually contacts me. Unless and until that happens, I don't have any choice in the matter, and the reason I know this is that YOU TOLD ME.
"You see them using them when deciding if sodo-marriage is good or not."
Back we come to Justin's favourite subject... sodomy. He really does spend a fascinatinly large amount of his time thinking and writing about sodomy. I suppose there's an obvious reason...
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Whose Standard?
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