This is a Journal entry by Researcher 195767
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Total Meltdown?
Researcher 195767 Started conversation Feb 19, 2004
In the UK God's standards were held to be correct and informed the law of the land, and society's attitudes. In the 1950's people began to loosen that, and in the 60's God's standards were rejected. People threw out the Bible as any guide to how they should live. As the Bible itself says, "Every man did that which was right in his own eyes."
There is a problem with this though. Having thrown out all absolute standards society is immediately cut adrift, and eventually anything goes. With the loss of such absolute standards and the authority they give to the law it is inevitable that the law ends up being held in contempt, and new laws are drafted to fit in with the downward drift of society, rather than the standards informing the society. In other words, rather than setting a standard to be looked up to, now they set standards to be reached down to. There is a constant push in the media to see how far down they can sink, and what they can get away with without some regulator jumping on them. That is just one of the signs that it is happening.
With the loss of absolute standards comes the loss of any respect for authority, now widespread, and the loss of any sense of decency. A sodomite will now feel mightily miffed if someone tells him that the depravities so loved by his sort are filth. Whereas he would have hung his head in shame, he is now militant. A whore gets pretty upset when she is told that what she does is evil, and filth, in 'sleeping around', and so on. Everyone has their own idea of what is right and what is not.
This inevitably leads to one thing; the rule of the stronger over the weaker. Whoever can shout the loudest, cause the most mayhem, and has the most power to visit pain on the opposition, rules the roost, until someone stronger comes along.
All this leads to the collapse of society. And I predict that this country will see such a collapse within the next 20 years, if not the next 10.
Having heaved overboard any recognition of God they have shot themselves in the foot. It will soon be perfectly OK to commit paedophilic acts. Why not? It is just the sexuality of the paedophile that drives him, in much the same way that the sexuality of the whore/fornicator or sodomite drives them. Who can then tell them that they are wrong? You cannot point to the Bible. Whilst paedophiles are wicked in the eyes of God so are sodomites, whores fornicators and adulterers. If you point a finger at a paedophile he will simply point one back at you!
So you end up with the rule of those who are the strongest to assert their ideas. Their standard becomes the norm. And what if a joint grouping of sodomites and paedophiles become strongest............?
Total Meltdown?
Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist Posted Feb 19, 2004
Hi Justin ,
You really live in a total fantasy world utterly divorced from any appreciation of history don't you?
"In the UK God's standards were held to be correct and informed the law of the land, and society's attitudes."
Just when was this fabled golden age you look back upon with such fondness? It certainly was never in Britain in the last 2,000 years that is for sure. For example there are estimated to be about 50,000 prostitutes in the UK at present. In Rowntree's seminal social surveys at the turn of the 20th century there were over 100,000 in London alone! Extrapolating this across the population as a whole, and taking into account that organised prostitution is mostly urban vice, then the number of prostitutes active in the British Isles in 1902 was about 550,000. Ten times the current level. Is this the period to which to refer? The pinnacle of the christian Victorian Age?
Shall we move forward to the conservative christian 20's and 30's. A period of unparalled political violence and drunkenness in Britain.
Perhaps you prefer Cromwell's Britain, the Puritan Apogee? When one in five men, and one in seven women died of syphillis or gonerrhea due to illicit sexual liasons. It should be noted that amongst the Puritans and Presbyterians the rates were higher (much to the glee of the Catholic press).
The period to which you refer never existed. It is a myth, face it. Laws and surface social mores notwithstanding the world has never been any different.
One last point - if a paedophile pointed a finger at me I'd feed it to him.
Wake up Justin.
Matholwch /|\.
Total Meltdown?
Researcher 524695 Posted Feb 20, 2004
"It will soon be perfectly OK to commit paedophilic acts....Who can then tell them that they are wrong? You cannot point to the Bible."
You're so right - for the Bible does not condemn paedophilia at all. Hardly surprising, for it was written in a culture where children were given in marriage to adults. But hey, when did you ever let facts get in the way, right?
Total Meltdown?
Researcher 195767 Posted Feb 20, 2004
Not a fear, just a point. If this country continues on its path we will end up in a warlord ruled land again, as it was once. Only this time high tech ones. I only picked the sodomites and paedophiles as they are on the vicious vociferous fringe of society at the moment,and are nasty enough to kill to get their way.
Total Meltdown?
azahar Posted Feb 20, 2004
Hi all,
Justin dumped this into one of the chat threads on my PS this afternoon for reasons best known to himself. I thought I would dump it back over here since this is where this sort of thing belongs. Not in the middle of a conversation about cats and weekend plans.
Just wrote (apropos of nothing):
Meanwhile, Justin, what would be the good of me looking up bible passages when you have already made it very clear that I am damned for all eternity anyhow?
Total Meltdown?
Researcher 524695 Posted Feb 21, 2004
Wow. What a fascinating and telling response from Justin...
"Not a fear, just a point."
Notice he denies it is a fear, but shys away from denying it is a fantasy. Interesting...
"If this country continues on its path we will end up in a warlord ruled land again, as it was once."
And God will do nothing whatsoever to stop that, obviously, either because he is a figment of Justin's imagination, he exists but is an impotent cipher, or he is a sadist. Not a happy bunch of options, but then we're talking about the inside of Justin's head, which let's face it can't be a happy place.
"Only this time high tech ones."
High tech warlords? Sorry, are we talking about the FUTURE here? Or the present?
Perhaps, in your comfortable little West Country existence, Justin, these things don't occur to you, but here's a little lesson I suspect will go in one eye and out the other without troubling your brain:
High-tech ANYTHING require infrastructure. Infrastructure requires economy. Economy at that level requires organisation, and organisation requires cooperation.
There's a reason why what you quaintly called "warlord ruled" countries also happen to be the most benighted low-tech s**tholes on the planet - Afghanistan, Albania, most of Africa, etc. They can't sustain the infrastructure. All they can do is sell drugs to Western economies and spend the proceeds on new toys - and they need to KEEP spending, because they're too bloody stupid to be able to read the manuals and manufacture toys of their own. It's the organised, cooperative, and above all SECULAR Western world which has succeeded beyond all others in building civilisation such as the world has never seen. It has succeeded by rejecting the dogma of primitive worship of bogeymen in the sky.
And that eats you up, doesn't it?
"I only picked the sodomites and paedophiles as they are on the vicious vociferous fringe of society at the moment"
You, my fine friend, are the one who are on the "fringe" of society at the moment. I've seen all sorts of figures which suggest that homosexuals are anything between one in fifty and one in eight of the people in the country. And you yourself tell me there are a paltry few tens of thousands of Christians - less than one half of one percent. Now THAT is "fringe".
And as for vicious and vociferous - you really have no sense of self-awareness at all, have you?
",and are nasty enough to kill to get their way."
Ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! That is PRICELESS!
A CHRISTIAN describing /others/ as "nasty enough to kill"! The sheer non-awareness is hilarious. Christians have been killing to get their way since before Christ's body was cold, and they've been getting better and better at it.
The Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the persecution of the Catholics in Tudor times, the Holocaust, the Northern Ireland situation, the list of Christian atrocities goes on and on and on.
You people make me sick.
Total Meltdown?
Researcher 195767 Posted Feb 21, 2004
Well, Azahar, if you would allow me common speech, such as you would allow your friends, you would not be so foolish as to take a completely wrong meaning from what I said, deliberately.
Let me tell you again; ALL HUMAN BEINGS are BORN on the conveyor belt to a lost eternity. God is in the process of saving some off that conveyor belt, onto the road which leads to eternal life. ALL HUMAN BEINGS are, unless God do something, going to burn.
HOWEVER God has paid in the blood of His Son so that you can be saved. If you will turn and seek Christ with all your heart until you find Him you will be saved too. (Mostly people won't do that as that means that they have to lose their personal sovereignty over their lives, and obey God, something they are not just about to do).
So.......I tell you that you are on that conveyor belt, and you must seek Christ, for YOUR best, not mine.
Total Meltdown?
Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist Posted Feb 21, 2004
OK folks, it looks like Justin has revealed his true hand again.
"Let me tell you again; ALL HUMAN BEINGS are BORN on the conveyor belt to a lost eternity. God is in the process of saving some off that conveyor belt, onto the road which leads to eternal life. ALL HUMAN BEINGS are, unless God do something, going to burn."
Note this is the God that both created the conveyor belt and placed all human beings upon it. Justin never, ever says WHY this God of his chooses a particular person (such as a lying, fornicating adulterer we all know). It appears to be entirely whimsical. Is this really a deity you'd wish to pledge your immortal soul to?
If that example of the capricious and vicious nature of Justin's God he goes on to say:
"HOWEVER God has paid in the blood of His Son so that you can be saved."
This God thinks it is just howdy-doody to sacrifice His only child to make His point to us mere mortals. So now Justin wishes us to sell our souls to a capricious child-murderer, a betrayer of the most sacred trust in the universe, that between a child and its parent. Not to mention the many cases of genocide that He proclaims he has committed through His own advertising literature (the Bible).
Obey God? Personally I want to hunt Him down and put Him on trial for crimes against humanity.
Nice one Justin .
Matholwch /|\.
Total Meltdown?
azahar Posted Feb 21, 2004
Common speech? Anyhow, you're not my friend. Debating with you on one of your many threads about your beliefs is one thing, having you show up on other threads I am on (including on my personal page) and disrupt the conversation by posting things that have nothing to do with the topic is simply being rude.
Let me tell you again: YOU ARE MAKING ALL THIS UP!
Total Meltdown?
Researcher 195767 Posted Feb 21, 2004
I am afraid that I am in deadly earnest,and I am not making anything up! I would not dare! I know Him who said it! He is a good Father, and if I get out of line I get disciplined, in the same way a Father does with his son.
You turn up on threads I am on, so what is wrong with me doing the same? If you are on a thread it appears on your home page, so even if I pick up on a post from somewhere else it will necessarily appear on your home page, will it not?
Total Meltdown?
azahar Posted Feb 21, 2004
When I turn up on your threads it is to discuss the subject matter of the thread. The one on my personal page you turned up on yesterday, which is basically a two-way chat with Fathom, had absolutely nothing to do with you or your beliefs. You just barged in and started telling Fathom and I that we were on the conveyer belt to Hell. Like In order to have found my chat thread with Fathom you had to be lurking on either his or my personal page as I don't believe it would appear anywhere else. Why on earth would you do that?
As for the other thread I started that you are disrupting - Children to be taught atheism at school - well, that is my point really. That you are disrupting it. You aren't participating, just trying to turn it to your ONLY topic of interest. Are you looking for a wider audience? Well, start your own thread on 'ask h2g2' then - don't try to hijack mine!
I know topics drift from time to time. And at another point it looked like Member had also hijacked that thread. But when this was pointed out he kindly withdrew his other point and continued that discussion elsewhere.
Would you kindly do the same? If you want to discuss school policies and what is best for children to learn without damning everyone to hellfire everlasting, then fine. But so far you have just been trolling on that thread and you know it.
Total Meltdown?
Researcher 195767 Posted Feb 21, 2004
Hello Azahar,
I did not 'barge in'. You were discussing me, and you were stating that I believed and said things which I do not, and did not. That is why I stepped in.
I am so green cyber-wise that I do not even know what 'trolling' is, and I have no other agenda than to tell God's truth. Unfortunately those who hate God's truth and love anything else don't like that, but there we are.
I cannot and would not damn anyone to eternal hellfire. It is not for me to do so, and it does not lay in my power. The issue is that all are going that way. My work is to make sure that all know that that is the truth, that they will received the absolute proof of, a moment after they die, and to offer them a different way.
I don't damn people at all! I seek to see people out of sin and death, the reasons for their going to Hell, not in it!
Total Meltdown?
azahar Posted Feb 21, 2004
You did too barge in! I just checked my chat thread with Fathom and he just briefly mentioned once in posting 155 that you and Member seemed to be following each other around again. Later he mentioned on posting 158 that your version of what happens after one dies is not a comforting one. I didn't respond to either of Fathom's comments about you.
So, this hardly amounts to us 'discussing you'. Did you read the rest of the thread after that? It was mostly about my cat because she has a tumour and I am afraid she is going to die and I am not sure what to do. After Fathom's mention of you and Member there was no further mention of you, let alone a discussion.
Yeah right. From what I can see you only take pleasure in telling people how *you* were SAVED and how the rest of us cannot ever hope to be SAVED in the same way you were. Unless we - what? - become just like you?
Look, I can understand that you went through a seriously bad time and chose to think of Jesus as your saviour. Fair enough. Other people have other ways of coping with trauma and stress and having bottomed out in their lives. All of which are quite valid as well.
Open up a bit, Justin. What you call God and Jesus has many other names and takes many other forms. And just because one is not *with* your personal Jesus concept does not mean we are antichrists or devil-worshippers. It simply means that we are using other terms and beliefs. For probably the SAME THING you are talking about.
Total Meltdown?
Researcher 195767 Posted Feb 21, 2004
I was merely pointing out that you had completely misunderstood what I had told you, that is all!
What 'Member' does is up to him. Having got himself put on pre-mod by his vicious and nasty attacks on me when he posted as 'Hoovooloo' he seems to have re-registered as 'Member' to circumvent the moderators, and rejoin the attack against Christ and His servants.
You cannot become 'like me', unless God so choose. I did not EVER say that you have no hope of salvation, only that you are refusing to allow yourself to take the first step in the right direction, and accept that you are a sinner, thus honouring God. If you will not accept God's testimony against you you will never be saved. BUT if you do at some time accept what He says, and seek Him with all your heart to be rid of sin you will be saved.
I did not do as you suggest. I did have a bad time to some degree, but I did not 'choose to think of Jesus as my saviour', as you cynically put it. God has made sure that there is a reliable revelation on paper of the truth of God. Whatever does not concur with that is nothing to do with Him, not just things by another name.
Total Meltdown?
azahar Posted Feb 21, 2004
And I was merely pointing out that you could have pointed that out elsewhere - not on one of my personal chat threads.
Point taken?
Total Meltdown?
Researcher 195767 Posted Feb 21, 2004
No, Azahar,
You were saying untrue things about me on that thread, and I picked you up on it, on that thread. There is nothing wrong with that. If you were talking about walking your dog or some other banal subject there would be no reason for me to post on such a thread, but you mentioned me in a wrong context.
Total Meltdown?
azahar Posted Feb 21, 2004
I had been talking about my cat Justin, not about you. Mind you, that thread is now 174 postings long. Did Fathom or I happen to mention you somewhere else earlier on? Did you actually read that entire thread? If so - why? Do you go around reading everybody's personal conversations just in case you are mentioned in them?
Anyhow, anything I say about you would be classified as 'untrue' according to you I think. In any case, you still did barge in, going on about the conveyer belt to hell - like that had any connection to ANY posting on that thread.
>>you mentioned me in a wrong context.<<
Really? Do tell.
Total Meltdown?
Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist Posted Feb 22, 2004
Hi Justin ,
I have checked the thread and you did so too jump right in, size 12 boots on. I suggest you apologise for trolling before you are reported, again.
As for your contribution to this thread, let me see:
"I cannot and would not damn anyone to eternal hellfire. It is not for me to do so, and it does not lay in my power. The issue is that all are going that way. My work is to make sure that all know that that is the truth, that they will received the absolute proof of, a moment after they die, and to offer them a different way."
Excuse me? This does not ring true with what you have previously told us. In the Gospel according to St.Justin, his God is choosing out a people for himself. Absolutely nothing you do in this life makes one jot or tittle of difference to that outcome. All you have to do is be born again when the opportunity is given you, directly, by God.
Thus your preaching is unnecessary. Indeed it is vanity for you to strut around preening yourself as a self-appointed messenger of God. So why do you do it? It is very like the children who used to throw stones and insults at the trucks taking the Jews out of the Warsaw Ghetto and onto Auschwitz.
Your life must be so sad and empty. Just you alone with the memories of your sins against your family and your desperation to wipe the slate clean. When you have had enough of this come and call on me and I will comfort you.
Matholwch /|\.
Key: Complain about this post
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Total Meltdown?
- 1: Researcher 195767 (Feb 19, 2004)
- 2: Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist (Feb 19, 2004)
- 3: Researcher 524695 (Feb 20, 2004)
- 4: azahar (Feb 20, 2004)
- 5: Researcher 195767 (Feb 20, 2004)
- 6: azahar (Feb 20, 2004)
- 7: Researcher 524695 (Feb 21, 2004)
- 8: Researcher 195767 (Feb 21, 2004)
- 9: Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist (Feb 21, 2004)
- 10: Researcher 524695 (Feb 21, 2004)
- 11: azahar (Feb 21, 2004)
- 12: Researcher 195767 (Feb 21, 2004)
- 13: azahar (Feb 21, 2004)
- 14: Researcher 195767 (Feb 21, 2004)
- 15: azahar (Feb 21, 2004)
- 16: Researcher 195767 (Feb 21, 2004)
- 17: azahar (Feb 21, 2004)
- 18: Researcher 195767 (Feb 21, 2004)
- 19: azahar (Feb 21, 2004)
- 20: Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist (Feb 22, 2004)
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