This is a Journal entry by Researcher 195767

Total Meltdown?

Post 21

Noggin the Nog

<... that there is a reliable revelation on paper of the truth of God.>

Reliable according to whom, and by what criteria? Anybody can write anything and *claim* that what they have written is reliable. Anybody can *claim* that there personal gnosis is "The Truth". But such claims, unbacked by anything outside themselves, are mere assertions.


Total Meltdown?

Post 22

Researcher 195767


I could not explain that to you. You are determined that you are not going to accept the truth, as that would offend against the personal sovereignty of your own life, and mean that you would feel bad about your sin. Simply on the premise that turkeys don't vote for Christmas you will not accept what you are told, by a servant of God. You don't want the problem, and you love your sin, like most people do.

But I have told you before that Christians do not start with what God has said, by and large; that which is called the Scripture. They start with God Himself. They are saved unto God, and, as the Scripture says, they know Him. When they come to the Bible they read it with Him and clearly see whose hand gave it.

You, and most others, come to the Bible from the other direction. You don't know God, you have never heard Him speak to you, and you have, because you are cut off from Him, you have assumed He does not exist. Therefore, without that vital relationship, you assume the Bible is just another book, and you can take or leave it. And, to be fair, from where you are you can do little else.

You have to remember that even if utterly incontrovertable proof was put before you of God's existence and the fact that the Bible is accurate, and His Word to His people (not to the world,note), you still would not accept it. Jesus conclusively proved who He was, and showed it by mighty signs and miracles, but they still crucified Him, and so would you have done if you were there at the time.

The reason why you would not believe is simple. Human beings are utterly and congenitally wicked, and CANNOT repent but God engineer it. That is plain Biblical teaching. And certainly my experience too, and that of all the real Christians. So, if you don't mind, I am not going to bother to try and prove anything to you. You will have incontrovertable proof at some time. Either God will grant you repentence unto life, and you will be as exasperated with the wicked as I am, or you die without Jesus, go to Hell, and have all the proof you could want there. Then you will stand before Jesus, and see Him face to face, everyone does, and hear the words, spoken to an angel stood by, "Does his name appear in the Book of Life?", and the angel replies "No Lord". And he will turn to you and say, "Depart from me ye wicked into the lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels." Then, in eternal burning with the majority, you will believe, you will not be able to do anything else.

"Seek the Lord while He may be FOUND, call upon Him while He is near."

Yours, Justin

Total Meltdown?

Post 23

Researcher 524695

"Either God will grant you repentence unto life, [...] or you die without Jesus, go to Hell, and have all the proof you could want there."


"Then you will stand before Jesus, and see Him face to face, everyone does, and hear the words, spoken to an angel stood by, "Does his name appear in the Book of Life?"

I have asked this before, but I shall ask again - why the sick charade?

IF I die and go to hell, and stand before Jesus, and IF on that day my name does NOT appear in this Book of Life, you are clearly telling me that it is GOD'S fault, not mine, and there's NOTHING I can do about it.

So what exactly is your role as preacher? Just to gloat? Because that's all you seem to be doing.

This is a serious question, and just for once I'd appreciate an answer.

Total Meltdown?

Post 24



<<"Seek the Lord while He may be FOUND, call upon Him while He is near.">>

Aren't these two statements totally contradictory? How can we seek the Lord if it is up to him to engineer our salvation - what is the point of even trying? You obviously weren't trying when God chose to speak to you.


Total Meltdown?

Post 25

pocket jeesus

If I may say a few words,

Currently, my freshman class is doing a unit on logical fallices, and I can only thank you for giving me so many fine and blatent examples of fallices to work with.

For example:

"It will soon be perfectly OK to commit paedophilic acts."


"All this leads to the collapse of society. And I predict that this country will see such a collapse within the next 20 years, if not the next 10."

and again,

"There is a problem with this though. Having thrown out all absolute standards society is immediately cut adrift, and eventually anything goes."

These are fine examples of the "Slippery Slope" fallicy. This fallicy is when a person takes the worst possible outcome of any situation, and carries it forward, to whatever conclusion that person sees fit.

In fact, every one of your arguments is riddled with logical mistakes, and not just the "slippery slope" fallicy. I can only hope that people will recognize these absurd agruments for what they are: nonsense.

smiley - zen

Total Meltdown?

Post 26

Noggin the Nog

I think you'll find there's only one person here who can't spot the fallacies, pj smiley - ok

And that individual doesn't believe in the validity or usefulness of logic or faacts anyway.

How else could he write "It will soon be perfectly OK to commit paedophilic acts." and expect to be taken seriously?



Post 27

Researcher 524695

This post has been removed.

Total Meltdown?

Post 28


smiley - whistle

Total Meltdown?

Post 29


Mind you, he also rails against feminists. smiley - erm


Total Meltdown?

Post 30


In fact, what *doesn't* he rail against?


Total Meltdown?

Post 31

Researcher 195767


No, not contradictory at all. I am merely adding a call to those whose hearts may have, by the grace of God, realised that I am telling the truth for their benefit. Those whom He is working on will take notice, and those who are untouched will not.



Post 32

Researcher 524695

This post has been removed.

Total Meltdown?

Post 33


Nah, Member, you have to make number 3 'feminists'. He seems to think any woman who has a job is a feminist. So what is that about? And it is another of the things the goes on and on and on about.


Total Meltdown?

Post 34

Researcher 524695

It is somewhat frustrating having perfectly reasonable and above all factual posts hidden, so I shall attempt to rephrase what I've posted to remove any possibility of causing offence.

In his testimony, available at, Justin gives a short personal history. In that story, he describes his past as an alcohol abuser and adulterer. In repeating these facts, I am merely reporting, accurately, information Justin has himself supplied.

The facts are: he lied to his wife, committed fornication with his mistress, committed adultery, and was a drunkard. All this, I know because I read HIS story.

I see in his current writings on this site a very few things which he regularly complains about. The list of things he is regularly seen to decry is very short, thus:

1. Drunkards.
2. Liars.
3. Hypocrites.
4. Adulterers.
5. Fornicators.
6. Sodomites.
7. Paedophiles.
8. Pope/frock religion.

These are facts, noticeable by anyone who cares to read what Justin posts here (that fraction which is not so offensive it is moderated before it is ever visible).

I merely observed with interest that of the list of the things he decries specifically, more than half are things we know he has personal experience of. I also assume that at some point in the past, before he was born again, he experienced "normal" religion.

This leaves only items six and seven on the list. Which is odd.

Total Meltdown?

Post 35


Oh honestly, Justin!

If nothing Member is suggesting about you is true then why yikes it? Just deny it if it isn't true. Or just ignore it.

Nobody here is having your postings hidden.

What are you afraid of?


Total Meltdown?

Post 36

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Azahar smiley - smiley

"What are you afraid of?"

As Mr.The Preacher's PR representative I will take that one smiley - ok.

Mr.Preacher is afraid that if this Jesus-deal is not true he might have to take personal responsibility for all the reprehensible acts he has committed against his poor wife, and possibly admit that he was utterly wrong.

Part of the Jesus-deal he signed up for guaranteed that as proof of his special relationship with Jesus, he will be persecuted. Thus he comes here to get his regular dose of 'persecution'. If he doesn't get it, it will make his deal meaningless, thus his provocative and un-christian attacks on all and sundry.

I hope this explains the position of Mr.Preacher, and he thanks you for your ongoing persecution. Have a nice day smiley - biggrin.

Matholwch /|\.

Total Meltdown?

Post 37


I think Justin yikeses everything that doesn't agree with him, doesn't he?

Total Meltdown?

Post 38


Not always, Ste. To be honest Justin yikes'd one question of Member's on a previous page which I also thought *was* a bit too much. Mind you, if someone had asked me somethig similar I wouldn't have yikes'd it. But the last two on this page were nothing to worry about. Justin could have just disagreed. The fact that he had to yikes them makes Members suggestions seem more possible than if he had just let the postings be.


Total Meltdown?

Post 39


Ok. It must be that he just yikeses all of mine smiley - biggrin

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