This is the Message Centre for Researcher 195767

Was it something we said?

Post 1


"So long and thanks for all the fish ...."

Was it something we said?

Post 2


Gone but not forgotten . . .


Was it something we said?

Post 3

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

(Along the same lines of "I am a Bomb Defusal Expert - if you see me running try to catch up!")

If the preacher has b***ered off - does that mean we are about to get Smited? smiley - erm

Was it something we said?

Post 4


Maybe the Rapture happened and we're the ones left behind. smiley - laugh

Was it something we said?

Post 5

Researcher 524695

Personally I have to think that Justin simply wasn't getting enough of his daily quota of sodomy and filth at h2g2, so he's gone somewhere where he can see all that kind of stuff. He has, after all, been using the site pretty intensively this last couple of weeks, so he's missed out on a lot of filth and sodomy he would normally have been able to be exposed to if he hadn't been posting here. Perhaps his wife has reminded him that in order to be a "proper" Christian he should be disgusted by sodomy and filth, and since he hasn't actually HAD any in the last fortnight or so because he's been posting here so much it was time to get back down to Bruton village hall for the Tuesday-night buggerfest and Rotary club coffee evening....

Was it something we said?

Post 6

The Guild of Wizards

It saddens me that Justin has gone! I'll miss his 'fun' posts.


Was it something we said?

Post 7

Researcher 524695

Don't worry. He'll be back.

Was it something we said?

Post 8


re-born-again, perhaps?


Was it something we said?

Post 9

Researcher 524695

Or maybe just divorced, if he's got any shred of sense or independent thought left...

Was it something we said?

Post 10


You mean if *she's* got any sense or shred of independent thought left!


Was it something we said?

Post 11

Researcher 524695

No, that's not what I mean.

Quite emphatically not, in fact.

Was it something we said?

Post 12

I am Donald Sutherland

Seems Justin has removed his name and the title to his PS. An attempt to remove all trace of his beeing here.

The body has gone but the spirit remains - just like that cheap bottle of whisky I got for Christmas?

Which reminds me, I still have a finger or two of Talisker in a bottle
in the larder. smiley - biggrin


Was it something we said?

Post 13

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist


Justin has gone? I only noticed because he had disappeared from my friends listing.

He didn't write to tell me or anything! I am devastated....smiley - wah

What am I going to with my lunch-hours now if there is no Justin?

Broken-farted blessings,
Matholwch /|\.

Was it something we said?

Post 14

Dark Side of the Goon

I warned him.

'Precious Mao Button' I said, 'Region of Thud' I said, 'Cherry Danish' I said...but did he listen? Nooooooo.

Hail Eris, All Hail Discordia.

Was it something we said?

Post 15

R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- )

"Maybe the Rapture happened and we're the ones left behind"

He wouldn't have time to delete hs stuff.

He'll be back--he's done it before.

I liked the last reincarnation--it seemed friendlier. But it wasn't quite as funny.

Was it something we said?

Post 16

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I think you're confusing Justin with Dr Who. smiley - weird

smiley - winkeye

Was it something we said?

Post 17

I am Donald Sutherland

Nah, never. Compared to Justin, Dr Who is the epitome of intelligent and informative entertainment.


Was it something we said?

Post 18


I think that a fairly average three year old is both more intelligent and more informative than Justin.

Was it something we said?

Post 19


Just realised JtP's last post was on my last birthday - what a nice gift!

Was it something we said?

Post 20

I am Donald Sutherland

Unfortunately Honestlago, that might not necessarily be true.

Before Justin left for greener pastures he unsubscribed to all his conversations. Consequently his last posting date will show as the last posting in his journal which he can't unsubscribe to.

Never mind.

smiley - teasmiley - cake


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