This is the Message Centre for Researcher 195767

Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 1

Researcher 524695

... sing if you're happy that way,
Siiiing if you're glad to be gay.
Sing if you're happy that way.

Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 2

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Aaah, Tom Robinson, always my favourite protest singer. I still have the original 'Power in the Darkness' LP with its clenched fist stencil.

Thanks Member, you've reminded me I need to get it out, dust it off, and transfer it to CD smiley - ok.

Matholwch /|\.

Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 3

Researcher 524695

smiley - ok

Do you think Justin can carry a tune?

Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 4

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

I'd rather see him carrying a cross smiley - winkeye

Matholwch /|\.

Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 5

Researcher 524695

I think we can agree he certainly has a cross to bear...

Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 6

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

And there was me thinking that he was the cross we bore....

Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 7

Researcher 524695

No, he is the bore who makes us cross.

Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 8

Haylle (Nyssabird) ? mg to recovery

smiley - laugh

Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 9

Researcher 524695

smiley - cheers

Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 10

Haylle (Nyssabird) ? mg to recovery

smiley - bigeyessmiley - winkeye

Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 11



smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok


Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 12

Researcher 524695

My personal favourite protest song is called "Protest Song", by Neil Innes, sung to an acoustic guitar and harmonicky in a nasal style that is completely nothing to do with anyone called Zimmerman, honest:

Introduced with the words "Ladies and gentlemen I've suffered for my music... now it's your turn."

"All the prophets of doom,
Can always find room,
In a world full of worry, and fear,
Tipped cigarettes,
And chemistry sets
And Rudolph, the rednosed reindeer...

So I'm going back
To ma little ol' shack
And drink
A Bottle
Of Wine
That was mis-en-bouteille
Before my birthday
And have me
A f**kin
good time...

RAIIIIIIIIN on a tin roof,
Sounds like a drum
They're marching for freedom today
Turn on your headlights
And sound your horn
If people
Get in
The way"

smiley - laugh

Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 13

Researcher 524695

My personal favourite protest song is called "Protest Song", by Neil Innes, sung to an acoustic guitar and harmonicky in a nasal style that is completely nothing to do with anyone called Zimmerman, honest:

Introduced with the words "Ladies and gentlemen I've suffered for my music... now it's your turn."

"All the prophets of doom,
Can always find room,
In a world full of worry, and fear,
Tipped cigarettes,
And chemistry sets
And Rudolph, the rednosed reindeer...

So I'm going back
To ma little ol' shack
And drink me
A Bottle
Of Wine
That was mis-en-bouteille
Before my birthday
And have me
A f**kin
good time...

RAIIIIIIIIN on a tin roof,
Sounds like a drum
They're marching for freedom today
Turn on your headlights
And sound your horn
If people
Get in
The way"

smiley - laugh

Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 14


And speaking of songs, Member, your latest name change has left me with a constant ear worm of THAT SONG! Aaaaaargh! smiley - biggrin


Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 15

Haylle (Nyssabird) ? mg to recovery

speaking of which, does member mean the same thing in the colloquial in the UK as it does in the US? smiley - angel

Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 16


well, it does in Spanish . . .

Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 17

Ivan the Terribly Average

It certainly has that meaning here in Oz, but we have a wide range of more earthy terms for the item in question so 'member' isn't often used. (I wish there was a better way of phrasing that)


Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 18


That's true everywhere I think, Ivan. I mean, is that term ever used 'that way' other than in the worst of romantic novels?


Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 19

Ivan the Terribly Average

I think I smiley - erm stumbled across it once in some faux-mediaeval thing set in a monastery. I try not to read the worst romantic novels, so I can't comment on the prevalence of the term in that setting.

Siiiiiing if you're glad to be gay...

Post 20


My mother used to read them and when I was a kid I had a peek. I also recall rather obscure adjectives and verbs used with this term. smiley - erm


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