This is the Message Centre for Researcher 195767


Post 1

R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- )

Justin, I have to compliment you on one thing. You have brought together a very large collection of skeptical minds in one place, simply by giving them things to argue about.

I'm sure this wasn't intentional, but it is good anyway. Please come back.


Post 2

R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- )

Also, since there are so many skeptics here, I thought I should mention that some of those who often talk to Justin and debate with him might be interested in

the ARS at A873038

the FFFF at A665101

the DOS at A1022103

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