This is the Message Centre for Researcher 195767
Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist Posted Apr 10, 2003
Justin .
Seldom have I seen such a petty-minded, shameless and pathetic attempt to aggrandise oneself as this. To pour scorn and bile upon the beliefs of one who has dedicated their life to the service of others is a new low.
You have shamed yourself, and dishonoured your God. I suggest you apologise to Ste and his Father-in-law. Unless, of course, you are not man enough.
Matholwch /|\.
Madent Posted Apr 10, 2003
"Ah,but Madent, the college I did mine through would not be known by non-Christians, any more than you could name me off the top of your head any Bible colleges which I would think suitable. Some Christians would know the college I did mine through, but most would not. But, there again, they could probably only name one or two of the Bible colleges in the UK anyway. Not everyone knows them all, not even Christians."
Fair comment, but you still haven't told me which one, have you?
"And as you are utterly contemptuous of Christ and His people, or you would repent and join them, nothing they do or say, or any college they go to, would impress you anyway."
Contempt? Just because I disagree with you does not mean that I hold you in contempt. I listen and agree or disagree and engage in the cut and thrust of debate. I have an enquiring mind, Justin.
"Secondly I don't use my degree except among unbelievers. The saved know that Bible colleges are not necessary to make a minister, and, by and large, they are ignored. Though many nominal Christians love it, thinking that, by knowledge from college, people can now do the works of God, which can only be done by the power of God.
"Mere intellect and a college/university degree is of NO USE in the works of God, which are spiritual, and not of carnal intellect. NONE of the early brethren went to Bible college, and they were, by and large, only ordinary men, who would not have the intellect to do so. God DOES NOT use intellectuals, by and large, but ordinary folks."
Now this I don't understand. If your qualification is worthless in your spiritual community and God does not use intellectuals, why have you actively gone out of your way to obtain a qualification that, if of a satisfactory standard, automatically qualifies you as an intellectual? You can't have it both ways.
"So, Bible college degrees are useless in the real church, and I only did one for a workout, through a reputable BELIEVING college, and not, as you cynically suggest, through a worthless one, though I conceed it is not of the standard of Oxford. But there again, you will very, very, rarely find a genuine Christian who is of sufficient academic ability to go to Oxford, as God does not save such people very often."
Maybe not, but your next point (below) suggests that you think you are of sufficient ability to study there.
"I am not sure what sort of cereal packets you have in your house, but ones which require 30,000 theses after a long examination through the Bible, would be some cereal packet!"
My apologies for the sarcasm in my last post. It was well intentioned and apparently received as such .
However, there is an important point here. It is possible to obtain seemingly valid qualifications in almost any subject with the intent to deceive others, such as unbelievers. Similar to playing the same card used by doctors with their patients. That is, "I am better qualified to decide on your course of treatment than you are, so do as I say".
Perhaps you would reconsider and answer my question.
Where did you do your degree?
Kaz Posted Apr 10, 2003
Justin, you said 'If he is helping people that is great, just like I do', what exactly do you do to help?
Ste's father in law does something constructive.
What do you do apart from spout destruction, hate and violent threats - which isn't constructive help for anyone.
I have met good Christians, you really let them down with your hateful ranting.
Researcher 195767 Posted Apr 10, 2003
With the Lord Jesus, when He experienced the blindness and refusal to listen to what He said amongst His hearers, I am shocked at the darkness you are in.
I told you that I am not going to tell you what college I did my degree through, as it would not meet with your approval, whatever it was. Only that it is attached the the association I belong to.
God says that if you do not believe Him you have called Him a liar. I relay what He says.
I told you, no intellectual qualification makes you a minister.
"When I come to you I will not know the word of them that are puffed up, but the power (authority from God)."
"Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord."
My degree does NOT make me an intellectual, I only did it for a workout, and I don't mention it among Christians, and only mentioned it to some Satanic troll to point out that I do know my stuff whereas you don't. I don't usually bother, as you would not accept what I say anyway, your master would not allow it.
I am most emphatically NOT of the intellectual ability to study at ANY university, let alone Oxford! I have a brother who is an University Professor, with a PhD, but I am nowhere near that league.
Ste Posted Apr 10, 2003
'I would not do any such thing, Matholwch.'
Then you are a coward. You shy away from all responsibility for any of your actions, past and present. You are not man enough.
Researcher 195767 Posted Apr 10, 2003
Please check the content of what I was replying to before making such pathetic charges as you just have. I was replying to Matholwch who suggested that I had 'poured bile' on someone, and I was saying that I would not do such a thing, that he was twisting the truth as ever.
Secondly, running with the crowd is cowardice, standing alone for Christ when being constantly trolled by the servants of Satan is not.
R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- ) Posted Apr 11, 2003
"standing alone for Christ when being constantly trolled by the servants of Satan" is cowerdice if you're just doing it because you fear eternal damnation. You're doing it out of fear, thus its cowerdice.
R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- ) Posted Apr 11, 2003
Justin, please note that I did nt say that you were doingas you cliam to do out of fear, just that if you are, its cowerdice.
My previous posting was unclear.
Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist Posted Apr 14, 2003
Hi Justin (assuming you are still about).
"Secondly, running with the crowd is cowardice".
And who exactly, amongst your friends here is running with the crowd, hmmmm? I can assure you that being a practicing druid is about as far from the madding crowd as you can get and not get sectioned by the Christian Social Work / Mental Health Militia.
As our esteemd colleague pointed out, following a deity out of simple fear of death is cowardice. So is handing over all the responsibility for one's own misdeeds to another. There is no absolution save that you create in the hearts of those you have wronged. This requires real courage.
So which are you Justin? Are you a man who stands up and takes responsibility for your misdeeds, or one who hides behind the sacrifice of another?
Matholwch /|\.
Jordan Posted Apr 14, 2003
Justin is not interested in absolution. He is a coward. He refuses responsibility for any of his own actions. He denies any knowledge of his own failures. When he lies, he does not admit it. If he hurts feelings, he will not apologise. When he has shown not a trace of Christian love, he claims to be gentle and loving. He speaks about areas in which he has no qualification. When he is demonstrated to be wrong, he refuses to answer, often unsubscribing from the conversation - perhaps in fear that people visiting his space will see that he is wrong. Unlike any real Christian, he is more afraid of losing face than of being a hypocrite, a liar and uninformed.
All this is magnified by his own claim that hypocrisy is one of the most hated sins. This, from a hypocrite.
I am afraid that he has left h2g2 forever. You see, he cares only about one thing: Satan, his master. When others attack his logic, he is unphased - for Satan (unlike the Lord) makes no sense. If he is caught out lying - why, he is playing into the Devil's hands! But when someone attacks his master, whom he has been serving with unparalleled diligence - at least, on h2g2, though other fundamentalists pervert the words of God equally well - he runs, and hides, though perhaps he will return when he has sunk further into his own depravity, one far worse than that he accuses others of.
Now, we see his true nature, and I have only one request: by his works, let him be known.
- Jordan
Jordan Posted Apr 14, 2003
And can I point out that it is incredibly easy to get into Oxford? I missed Cambrige by one grade, a single night's study would have been sufficient to ensure I met my offer. Oxford, by comparison, and for the course I intended to do, would be child's-play.
Perhaps you do not know it, but Paul was a lawyer, Jesus was higly educated, and King Solomon... Do you really need a Bible lesson, Justin? The Lord does not discriminate against those with intelligence, nor the academic - nor they against the Lord, I assure you. He loves all alike and offers all the same chance. There are far greater impediments to those wishing to keep his commandments than a powerful and discriminating intellect.
- Jordan
R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- ) Posted Apr 14, 2003
I'm not convinced he's left forever. After all, he's disappeared before. I think he has a need to preach to those who disagree with him. Unless he gets kicked off by the moderators, I suspecct he'll eventually be back.
BouncyBitInTheMiddle Posted Apr 14, 2003
Sorry for taking this off-topic guys, but Justin doesn't seem to have anything more to say so I hope it won't disturb stuff too much.
"Incredibly easy"?
Well, I'm guessing that's something of an understatement, considering the fraction of applicants that get in, but I'd quite like to ask a few questions since I have to get my UCAS form sorted by October. I've heard it varies within the two universities from college to college anyway, with the longer established ones being more picky.
What course did you intend to do, and when did you apply for university?
Is the fact that 3 of my 4 current subjects (further maths, which is a double, physics, modern history) are basically maths-based going to hurt my chances of getting into Oxbridge if I don't want to take a maths-based degree?
Jordan Posted Apr 14, 2003
I was going to study for a BSc in Computer Science at Trinity College, Cambridge. I got my forms in for the 15th of October, if I recall correctly.
I believe that the admissions procedures are very similar amonst the various colleges. I know that Trinity was wonderful, and I throughout the admissions period I received plenty of feedback.
I also took double maths and physics, but as a fourth subject I took psychology, and I did general studies. I'm not sure if your all-maths timetable will hurt your chances - what is it you plan to do anyway? You should be able to find advice in the prospectus - I recall a whole pull-out sheet devoted to recommended subjects.
Have you spoke to your careers guidance officer/personal tutor/equivalent? There should be someone in the school who takes charge of supervising the Oxbridge candidates - find out who this is! You ought to take a prep interview, too.
If you want to ask anything else - despite my vagueness - you can ask on my personal space.
- Jordan
BouncyBitInTheMiddle Posted Apr 14, 2003
I'm still working out which subject to do. I'm thinking something along the lines of Philosophy, History, Sociology or Chinese, or maybe some weird combination.
My school tends to produce quite a lot of Oxbridge applicants, since its selective and generally a bit bourgeois, so I've got a lot of help with the organisational stuff. Also, just about everyone in my class is applying (all further maths people) so the teacher is quite a lot of help. This is useful, since the careers department are about as incompetent as they come.
I'll go look at that prospectus now, I forgot about the official ones. I've had a look at the alternative ones produced by the student unions, but I think my chances of getting any sort of unbiased opinion on the relative goodness of the colleges is pretty much nil.
Jordan Posted Apr 14, 2003
Here are some of the Journal entries I wrote on the Cambridge experience...
Too Much!
Jan 9, 2002
Ah! Christmas is over! No longer do I need to save all my money to get presents and cards...
Well, I have a nasty Pure 4 exam that I won't revise too hard for tomorrow, and I need to get 2 A's, a B and a Grade 1 on STEP II for Cambridge! Yes, I got in! No more worries about Universities... I can't actually believe that I got in, I did awful at the interview! I only managed to get through three questions and I wasn't that brilliant... I was so nervous. They asked me about finding the largest of a set of N items and some ore stuff along those lines, then we discussed how to take logarithms of negative numbers. Finally I had to work out the height (H) I needed to make the initial drop so that the momentum of a car going down it was sufficient for it to go round a 'loop-the-loop' of radius R (I got H = 3/2 R). I thought I did really badly - but I didn't! Yay!
Anyway, Christmas was spent at a friend's house, and his Mom (really cool woman) bought me a brilliant jumper/jacket that I love and wear all the time. Anyway, I enjoyed that a lot more that I normally would have (Christmas faded from our family a few years ago, when we move away from Kilmarnock).
Well, I've gotta go now. Anyway, hope everyone had a great time over the Holidays, and if you didn't... well, try again next year!
Cambridge is GREAT!
Dec 6, 2001
I'm at Trinity now and I love it. How awesome is this? There is the problem of weird customs, like this thing whereby one is compelled to stand in the middle of meals, but the room I'm staying in is brilliant, and all the people are reallly friendly. Actually, I'm a bit worried - it's like one of those horror movies where the guests get treated really nicely and then get eaten by cannibals/tortured by demons/sacrificed to pagan gods.
That's it! I have no time to do any more things today. I want to get in! I'm going to look at some stuff about computer science to impress the interviewers.
Or maybe just quote loads of Latin at them...
I loved Trinity. It was absolutely brilliant, but I haven't properly described it all, so here are a few highlights:
- when you go in, the doors are huge, wooden affairs - it's like walking up to an ancient castle, except for the bicycles;
- the dining hall is gorgeous. It's wood-panelled all around, and has huge oak tables;
- the library was designed by Christopher Wren. Only fellows are allowed to read the ancient tomes, but the room is a dream in marble, and the exterior is beautiful;
- the street it's on is cobbled, which adds to the charm of the place;
- the great court is truly beautiful;
- as a student, you can walk on the grass;
- the computer rooms aren't too great;
- my room was wonderful. It was in a place called 'Blue Boar Court' or something. I gather that some of them aren't so nice...
- everyone was really friendly!
Just a few first impressions.
- Jordan
Key: Complain about this post
- 41: Ste (Apr 10, 2003)
- 42: Researcher 195767 (Apr 10, 2003)
- 43: Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist (Apr 10, 2003)
- 44: Madent (Apr 10, 2003)
- 45: Researcher 195767 (Apr 10, 2003)
- 46: Kaz (Apr 10, 2003)
- 47: Researcher 195767 (Apr 10, 2003)
- 48: Ste (Apr 10, 2003)
- 49: Researcher 195767 (Apr 10, 2003)
- 50: R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- ) (Apr 11, 2003)
- 51: R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- ) (Apr 11, 2003)
- 52: Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist (Apr 14, 2003)
- 53: Jordan (Apr 14, 2003)
- 54: Jordan (Apr 14, 2003)
- 55: R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- ) (Apr 14, 2003)
- 56: BouncyBitInTheMiddle (Apr 14, 2003)
- 57: Jordan (Apr 14, 2003)
- 58: BouncyBitInTheMiddle (Apr 14, 2003)
- 59: Jordan (Apr 14, 2003)
- 60: Jordan (Apr 14, 2003)
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