This is the Message Centre for Existential Elevator

Yeah baby

Post 1

OsmocisingMonkey - Rainy days and Mondays

yo exist its me, yeah i'm back and the psycho disorders can grow!!!

write the book dude!

smiley - magic

Yeah baby

Post 2

Existential Elevator

Dude! You exist!!! AGAIN!!! smiley - biggrin

Cool name smiley - ok

Yeah baby

Post 3

OsmocisingMonkey - Rainy days and Mondays

soz bout the subject line - was hyper.

write the book dude. the other tk got in touch. the one thats not you and more geeky.

i bet you were able to tell from the name that it was me!!
smiley - magic

Yeah baby- Grrooooooooooooovy

Post 4

Existential Elevator

No worries smiley - smiley Makes me think of brightly coloured dresses, bad hair-dos and for some obscure reason, the Brady Bunch. I don't do "logic".

Duuude... Must...write....boook... smiley - erm
I had a fantastic idea this morning, but I blinked and it left me. I need a butterfly net and some jars to capture the next one in smiley - ermsmiley - weird

Actually, the name is what confused me... It reminded me of someone else, I think. Plus I didn't actually click for a fair while [not saying how long smiley - whistle] that "osmocising" isn't actually a real word... Still think Speechifying Hippolytus would have been rather funny smiley - laugh I'd have gotten that straight away..
Just occured to me that if you shortened your name, you'd be OM smiley - zen How mindful of you, you must have been guided by the force smiley - zen

Yeah baby- Grrooooooooooooovy

Post 5

OsmocisingMonkey - Rainy days and Mondays

I didnt wanna be SH. {speechyhippo}

i'll buy you a net for your bday and a little book to tie to the end of your nose to write stuff in. (or you could just not blink)smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye

Yeah baby- Grrooooooooooooovy

Post 6

Existential Elevator

Admitedly, somehow OM seems by far smiley - ok

Wow, I'll bet having a ook stuck to your nose would be really painful smiley - doh
Although possibly better than being smiley - bigeyes constantly!

Yeah baby- Grrooooooooooooovy

Post 7

OsmocisingMonkey - Rainy days and Mondays

well, it would have to just be a very small book.
maybe you could hold your eyes open with matchsticks!??!

thanks for the tip-off about la fee i'm lookin foreward to it... i think.smiley - magic

Yeah baby- Grrooooooooooooovy

Post 8

Existential Elevator

A teeny tiny one that requires a magnifying glass?
Arrgh! Wouldn't that be painful?

I got an e-mail through from his fanpage and thought.. y'know, I know someone who may well be entertained by this smiley - winkeye

Yeah baby- Grrooooooooooooovy

Post 9

OsmocisingMonkey - Rainy days and Mondays

twas nothing on and... you belong to his fanpage?!?!?!? i'm relatively scared now... smiley - erm

anyway... i looked in the paper and there was no sign of it. shame.

ok please explain why you were emailed by the fees fanpage, i'm scared!

Yeah baby- Grrooooooooooooovy

Post 10

Existential Elevator

The fee has an msn group, and yes I am part of it, although not an active member. It amuses me muchly. He actually posts the news up there himself. That's just how famous he is... smiley - winkeye

Yeah baby- Grrooooooooooooovy

Post 11

OsmocisingMonkey - Rainy days and Mondays

worrying. am still kinda freaked at the fee page belonging to... what sorta news??

of course la fee is muchly famous smiley - magic whats he up to... or dont i want to know???

Yeah baby- Grrooooooooooooovy

Post 12


Is EE still around? *prods her with a stick*

Yeah baby- Grrooooooooooooovy

Post 13

Existential Elevator

OM- He just posts up news of when he's actually dooing something. Which ain't all that often lol. Latest thing was the Graham Norton thing.

H- Yes, I'm still here smiley - smiley How may I help you?

Yeah baby- Grrooooooooooooovy

Post 14


You can't, you just seemed to slide off my side of h2g2's scope. smiley - winkeye

Yeah baby- Grrooooooooooooovy

Post 15

Existential Elevator

I know... smiley - erm Is there much going on that I can be any use to in jedi-town right now? Seems to have gone rather quiet on my front. Same with the Red Dwarf Ship...

Yeah baby- Grrooooooooooooovy

Post 16


Well you can take my padawan of my hands... or find Uncle Bob smiley - winkeye

Yeah baby- Grrooooooooooooovy

Post 17

OsmocisingMonkey - Rainy days and Mondays

hi random jedi sparrow dude... whered you come from? how come you didnt say hi to me?

s'okay really, hey e.e how come i get told off when i prod you with a stick!

Yeah baby- Grrooooooooooooovy

Post 18


smiley - laugh I came from over there. You should lurk more. smiley - winkeye

Yeah baby- Grrooooooooooooovy

Post 19

Existential Elevator

Tut tut, OM, were you posting in school hours? [all together now : uuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!] In respone to your question, when *you* poke me with a stick, it hurts smiley - winkeye

Lurking isn't terribly polite, but I'll admit to having my moments. Generally I do a search on my screen-name to check for any back-biting. Very funny, sometimes... smiley - winkeye

I might well go track down Bob, but failing that, feel free to prod any recruits in my general direction smiley - smiley

Yeah baby- Grrooooooooooooovy

Post 20

OsmocisingMonkey - Rainy days and Mondays

huh.. wha... you two have lost me...

*pokes both with a stick*
ha hasmiley - winkeye

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