This is the Message Centre for jackie..lady writer on the tv.


Post 1

Researcher 224352

hiyasmiley - smiley i see your from b/ham. i'm also from b/ham. i saw your page, i like it. why not drop by on my page n find out a lil about me,smiley - rainbow i aint been on here long so still strugling with how things worksmiley - sadface anyway hope to hear from you soonsmiley - rainbow


Post 2

jackie..lady writer on the tv.

hiya malo,
how are ya brummie? smiley - biggrin
my page has been changed a 1001 times since ive been on here,i might change it again,i dunno yet smiley - smiley i checked out yours and its very impressive, i have to say smiley - laugh i shall be gettin a PC next week,so maybe i'll 'doodle' about with it then,but ive gotta learn how to use one 1st smiley - doh
please to meet ya anyway. smiley - biggrin

smiley - peacedove


Post 3

Researcher 224352

im cool ta, i did my page last night, the thing with digi box it takes forever to create your page, me on the other hand cheated n cut n pasted the codes.
smiley - rainbow i have a pc but at the moment im on digi box, wen you get your pc i'll help you to get to now how do do stuff if you want?,n thanx for compliment about my page,smiley - biggrini might change some stuff yet n add bits n bobs.smiley - smiley


Post 4

jackie..lady writer on the tv.

smiley - ok malo i'll give you a shout when i get it,a friend of mine is buying it for my birthday smiley - biggrin
was you on LD?
smiley - peacedove


Post 5

Researcher 224352

a friends buying you a pc for your b/da?smiley - smiley can i be there friend too?lolsmiley - rainbowsounds like a great friend to havesmiley - okmay i add you to my friends list?smiley - smileyi did use l/d but never a reguler user name i loged in under loads of names,what was your user on there?smiley - rainbow


Post 6

Researcher 224352

a friends buying you a pc for your b/da?smiley - smiley can i be there friend too?lolsmiley - rainbowsounds like a great friend to havesmiley - okmay i add you to my friends list?smiley - smileyi did use l/d but never a reguler user name i loged in under loads of names,what was your user on there?smiley - rainbow


Post 7

jackie..lady writer on the tv.

smiley - erm a long story about the 'friend' who's buying the PC,which i won't bore you with smiley - smiley.
i had a few names too on LD
sixtyschick femfrombrum jamielee curtis,(cos i'm told by many,i resemble her) smiley - smileysmiley - ok what was some of your names and yep you can add me to your friends list smiley - biggrin

smiley - peacedove


Post 8

Researcher 224352

just crashed on this digi boxsmiley - sadfaceaint normaly on the set top box wonder why lol.smiley - biggrin didnt see any of those names you mentioned on l/d, and i dont know who jamie lee curtes is smiley - rainbow my users varied from druid to mack the knife lol, guiding star n a few other carp ones lolsmiley - rainbow i'll add you to my freinds list then thanxsmiley - kisssmiley - hug


Post 9

jackie..lady writer on the tv.

did you never see the film 'a fish called wanda,' 'true lies' and/or 'blue steel'?
i think i remember seeing mack the knife,i used the foyer room mainly,which one did you use? and smiley - ok ive put you on my friends list also smiley - smiley whereabouts in brum are you? i'm in solihull westmids.

smiley - peacedove


Post 10

Researcher 224352

im by c/brom so not far from you reallysmiley - smiley mack the knife was writen like MACK~THE~KNIFE didnt really use it much i used foyer and the pub room, loved to have the odd smiley - ale in there lol,smiley - smileythanx for adding me to your pals list i aint on anyone elses lolsmiley - hug


Post 11

jackie..lady writer on the tv.

i know c/brom very well,i used to live by the clock garage smiley - smiley
have to go now,my little soldier has returned from work smiley - biggrin he's a butcher in the bullring market and wants feeding smiley - laugh

well you have another friend on your list now smiley - hug's
see ya later brummie smiley - ok

smiley - peacedove


Post 12

Researcher 224352

i dont really go in b/ham markets it's all changed up town now im not far from the clock garage, anyway nice meeting yousmiley - hug you go feed your lil soldersmiley - biggrin i'll have any leftover saves throwing it to the dogsmiley - smiley hope to hear from you again soon,smiley - kiss


Post 13

jackie..lady writer on the tv.

well ive only got a stray 3 legged smiley - cat and he is not very keen on barb-b-que chicken,so i think your smiley - dog can have it,cos i dont own one smiley - biggrin
my little soldier is fast asleep,he's up at 5.30 am every day,apart from sunday smiley - smiley
we just watched the celtic game against boa and celtic won smiley - discosmiley - disco
smiley - biggrin
smiley - peacedove


Post 14

Researcher 224352

you think i'll give good food to the dog? nah i'll be gaving that lol smiley - tasmiley - biggrin your not into footy are you? ate it how long have i got the pleasure of your company for tonightsmiley - kiss


Post 15

jackie..lady writer on the tv.

well how much do you like footy smiley - biggrin
i really dont know how much time i'm here,but i'll let you know in advance smiley - winkeye

smiley - peacedove


Post 16

jackie..lady writer on the tv.

so smiley - sorry i thought you meant ate smiley - football meaning liked the game,you meant HATE yeah?

smiley - peacedove


Post 17

Researcher 224352

you misunderstood i hate footy, cant see the point in it myself lol,smiley - biggrin you want to join me im a glass of smiley - bubbly?smiley - rainbow


Post 18

Researcher 224352

smiley - sorry nah it's cool i just re-read my post my typings a bit naff eh>smiley - biggrin missed a few letters out n also put in wrong letters smiley - rainbow


Post 19

jackie..lady writer on the tv.

thats smiley - ok malo and smiley - cheers i will join you in a glass of smiley - bubbly heres to friendship smiley - hug's
smiley - peacedove


Post 20

Researcher 224352

smiley - cheers hers to friendship then. pour me a few more think i'm gonna need them i just lost my whole pagesmiley - sadface

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