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Researcher 224352 Posted Apr 24, 2003
jackie..lady writer on the tv. Posted Apr 24, 2003
you excited then
what i wanna know is,(cos i'm a nosey brummie) why the ball n' chain on your space?
Researcher 224352 Posted Apr 24, 2003
well i nearly lost all my entry on that pach good job im on pc so had a window in that hadnt been updated so i cut n pasted it all back there was a miner fault but i fixed that too lol the ball and chain? i thought you would of realised it represents me been married
you married kids>? im nosy too
here get this down ya
jackie..lady writer on the tv. Posted Apr 24, 2003
i dont understand computer to me mean the ones you look out and clean i'm not married,but i have 2 lovely kids,my son's 21 and my daughters the ball and chain represents your fixed?
Researcher 224352 Posted Apr 24, 2003
so your kids have the nest then?it's not that hard to use a pc you learn as you go if i said to you this that n the other about the pc you wouldnt have a clue unless you could get on one n do it yourself, thats how i learn ,by doing things if i go wrong i can always hit the back key
jackie..lady writer on the tv. Posted Apr 24, 2003
my kids have flown,but still flutter back now n then,i have my son staying just now,he's having teething problems with parenthood
and yes i would think it is easy once you know how,about pc's or computers
well i gotta now i'm
very tired..catch ya later
Researcher 224352 Posted Apr 24, 2003
theres always something you dont know n something to learn about pc's how olds your sons lil one then? well guess your off to get some so will catch you around tomoz hopefully good night
jackie..lady writer on the tv. Posted Apr 25, 2003
Hello Malo,
my granddaughter is 10 weeks old,
and her mom is going through post natal depression,which is why they are a having problems,but i'm sure they will sort things out,my son loves them both,so just have to wait and see
How are you today? i was going to mow my garden,but its to wet to cut the grass,
still theres always tomorrow
Researcher 224352 Posted Apr 25, 2003
hi there im sure they will be fine and they have you for suport too dont they. weathers been a bit wet n cold of late i know, a big contrast to that day last week wen it was hoter her than abroud eh? think that must of been our one day of summer lol leave the garden n be a lazy so n so on at the w/ends
jackie..lady writer on the tv. Posted Apr 25, 2003
hi malo,
yeah i'm just there for them to offload there troubles,
i thought my life would be different,once they both left home,but obviously thats not the case
and i wish i had taken advantage of the warm weather last week,hopefully the weekend might be better
what you been upto today?
i'm in the middle of cooking,right now so i'll be popping on and off
Researcher 224352 Posted Apr 25, 2003
well you know what they say? a mother for ever lol oh n now a grandmother too its great they have you to turn to in times of need, it's something my mother didnt do for me, well she wasnt there for me ever not even as a kid but lets not go into that it's to depresing. i have had a lazy day was playing pool in yahoo all night so am shatterd now, never again will i stay up all night
what you cooking?<will you set me a place pls am starving
jackie..lady writer on the tv. Posted Apr 25, 2003
that must have been difficult,not having your mom there,here you go,a big motherly from me
What am i cooking? well i'm normally a healthy eater,i like pasta,chicken and salads,but now my son's here,i'm doing his favourite,FRIED bacon with grated cheese,home made, but also FRIED chips with eggs and sausage and if theres any spare,which i doubt,i'll save some for you
by the way,where did you get your name from?
Researcher 224352 Posted Apr 25, 2003
sounds like you need a big plate for his grub? lol can i nick a few chips n a slice of his bacon he wont notice with all the rest of the stuff hes got on his plate my name malo_korrigan its. from a sky one aninimated program boyt an ace pilot n adventurer aint seen it myself but i like the name n nicked it
thanx for the
just what i needed
jackie..lady writer on the tv. Posted Apr 25, 2003
yep it has to be a big plate,cos he has a huge appetite and i dont know where he puts it,cos there isn't a pick on him,he's over 6ft tall,so i think he makes up for it in height
i'll sneak ya a bacon & chip butty,while he aint looking its the closest i can get to food
and your welcome to the
they cost nothing
see ya later brummie
i'm off to have a glass of here you are
i never drink alone
Researcher 224352 Posted Apr 25, 2003
well he must have other members of your your side or his dads side of family who are tall then 5'3 on your tiptoes?? try stilletoes not that i recomend them like
so did you get on all that
jackie..lady writer on the tv. Posted Apr 25, 2003
nobody really 6ft or tall on either side,so i dunno where his height comes from
and i dont wear high heels,i already walk tall i'm not
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- 27: jackie..lady writer on the tv. (Apr 24, 2003)
- 28: Researcher 224352 (Apr 24, 2003)
- 29: jackie..lady writer on the tv. (Apr 25, 2003)
- 30: Researcher 224352 (Apr 25, 2003)
- 31: jackie..lady writer on the tv. (Apr 25, 2003)
- 32: Researcher 224352 (Apr 25, 2003)
- 33: jackie..lady writer on the tv. (Apr 25, 2003)
- 34: Researcher 224352 (Apr 25, 2003)
- 35: jackie..lady writer on the tv. (Apr 25, 2003)
- 36: Researcher 224352 (Apr 25, 2003)
- 37: jackie..lady writer on the tv. (Apr 25, 2003)
- 38: Researcher 224352 (Apr 25, 2003)
- 39: jackie..lady writer on the tv. (Apr 25, 2003)
- 40: jackie..lady writer on the tv. (Apr 25, 2003)
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