This is the Message Centre for dundeebrunette

lorna: welcome to the friends of LD...

Post 1

h2g2 Friends Of LeisureDistrict [LD] (Digibox And PC Users)

smiley - boing hi lorna...

smiley - discoi started a new conversation so that the other fellow LDers can talk to you...

smiley - surfer i've seen from what you wrote on your personal space that you like cats...

smiley - stari got two cats now... the second one being a very new addition to the family...

smiley - ufo talk later...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

lorna: welcome to the friends of LD...

Post 2


Hi what would you like to chat about and do you still go on LD.

lorna: welcome to the friends of LD...

Post 3

Loup Dargent

smiley - boing hi lorna...

smiley - surfer i'm not going so much than before now as i'm kinda busy here...
but i usually go to the LD library with a preference for the politics room where i have been quoting for a while now... [sometimes serious stuff... sometimes just plain silly stuff... ]

smiley - star any subject is welcome really... i mentioned about cats because there might be other LDers who want to chat about their pets too... a good way to start a conversation i suppose...

smiley - disco at the mo' my oldest cat is not too happy with the new kitten... she decided that the kitten will have the living room for herself... and even so lucky [the older one] is bigger than midnight [the kitten] she runs away when the kitten is coming close to her... a bit of jealousy there me thinks... [they got the same mum...]

smiley - bubbly there are a few other LDers who hang around this space: romani angel, the paladin, kow and our mad king ruprecht... a few more have started to come regularly too...
and last but not least manda... i'm sure you will meet them soon..

loupsmiley - fullmoon

lorna: welcome to the friends of LD...

Post 4

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

hi lorna

welcome 2 the friends o ld smiley - biggrin

i dont use chat on ld only the library n private msgs but if u want 2 join in the fun in the pol rm feel free smiley - ok

talk later

romani smiley - angel

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