This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 201

THE SCOOBIES (Giles) "Could it possibly get uglier, I used to be a highly respected watcher, now I'm a wounded dwarf with the my

and you have jason whos very angry and upset ready to punch wall smiley - grr

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 202


smiley - wahsmiley - wahI had to go out The garage Forsmiley - milk and a Tinsmiley - dogfood for Lady
and on my way back I stopped off at The Bakery Inn And Had asmiley - redwine just the 2 mind cos i never paid for them me friend did and your smiley - sillyPrincess here went the garage and the Pub In her pjamers with just a big duffle coat and trainers to keep me warmsmiley - brrhold me jason i need you.smiley - blue

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 203


good evening my peeps how are you all today i'm half cut tonight been drinking most of the day lol cant really see the keys on here wicked babe you got a pub near your garage snap its a good excuse init oh i'l go to garage n while your over there you nip in the pub for refreshments
lmao i love doin g that lol

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 204


smiley - wowyou sound just like me But i got girl napped by me bestm8 on the way back from the garage yes we got a pub right next to the postoffice as well and we have all together in my area 400 pubs lol
well if your m8 offers to buy you asmiley - redwineor 2 you can't say no cos she think i beingsmiley - laughfunny with her and i don't wanna fall out with her and her fammily cos we've known each other sinse we where little baby girls in pig tails getting up to all kinds of Trouble mostly pulling peoples flowers up and playing posty knock when we was little lol.

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 205


you got girl naped why dont something like that happen to me lol
still waitting for that just think about it(this is just for us blokes)
getting kidnaped by aload of women think i'd be saying do what ya like to me but dont drop me at home lol

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 206


When i was 18 that was 7 years ago when i was going out on night on the tiles thats are saying there was 29 of us all together and someone Got me a kissogram right we sort of napped him and he was made up but when he got down to do his act his thing
shrunk cos too much ice and the ballooon he had me m8 popped it and i was made to put baby oil all over him arrr that was a good night that was and i got a 18th b-day to remeber My fireman Sam by well i can't say what happend cos the past is my past and my future is now with jason But for some reason he wants to punch the wall Dad.

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 207


lol babe its his bones he'll be breaking

jason is he on here if so mate dont punch the wall cos if nothing else it'll hurt

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 208


Whoooo smiley - ghost whoooo

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 209


Jason prob Upset over me Going The Garage In my Pjamers in This darksmiley - brrWet night I'm a Big girl I can look after myself and no one would try out Cos they all know i come from a Big family and Have load's of hard friends and i have included you in with my friends is that ok Dad
I kicked the wall once when i was 15 when i was Grounded by my Grandfather
For Calling a priest a smiley - bleepafter the choir started singing lol i was sosmiley - bravethen i allways answer back then lol i was allways a naughty girl
smiley - biggrin

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 210


good evening how are you babe?

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 211


yeah but babe you must realise
that it dont matter wether
you come from big family
it's not like these freaks out there do there homework on it they dont think oh dont touch that one cos she's got lots of hard friends you should have gone with someone?smiley - hug

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 212


Dad I'd like you to meet my smiley - sheepLarry he's my Cuddly Teddy bear shaped Lamb and He sleeps with me everynight My Dad gave him to me when i was just 4 years old I've still got him now smiley - laughs

Hello Nats
arrrh you scared me then and how are you did you get all your shopping done and all your D,I,Y stuff in your home,?

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 213


smiley - wah aren't you 2 talking to me? smiley - wah

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 214


We have just posted at the same time smiley - sorry

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 215


When your going the garage you don't think well i don't i've been attacked 3 times and I'm not scared of anyone just them rainbow men who take dugs i cannot stand them people they descust me In future i will take my smiley - dogLady with me But just one prob she Growls at anyone and i mean everyone she hates people wearing hats she gose for the postman the winda cleaner and the gardaner and she hates Pigs (Oink Oink)lol

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 216


How did i get all my stuff home, well with a little difficulty lol smiley - biggrin
I went and fell over in town today, and i felt such a fool cos there were a lot of people around smiley - wah

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 217


cors i am hun i'm just abit p?ssed thats all taking me time to read lol

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 218


but by taking your dog with ya at least poeple will think twice init
i have been mugged once that was years ago and i was really drunk all i can remember was waking up in hospital with my head split open since then i give as good as i get and only drink 6 or 7 pints when i go out so i am able if need be to protect myself,but you women are different aint ya
i mean say someone looked at me they would think twice but thats the way i'm built but you women need to protect your selfs
yous should be able to carry that stuff the police use i'd protectya if i was there i'd bash them all up lol

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 219


That was horrible dad, do you know who it was?

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 220


would you bash my little brother up
he one them sort who likes to cause problems where ever i go and the sad thing about it he lost me 2 very nice young male friends and the other thing is he has won and my bro is nice and comfy planning his next jealous rage on me when he use to be a brother before the accident and after he turned into a smiley - weirdo and I cudn't have friends of any sort even when my big brothers where alive i cudn't do this or that and i had him sectioned right under the mentle act
and it seems he still at it silly little notes he sent me he Not finished with me yet.

Yes Dad i get one them alarm keyrings next time i go out them peper sprays are not allowedd but i allways carry
perfume with me just incase i have to spray someone,
Oh i've been more than attacked honey 3 times i've been done the same bad deed to and when i was a little girl i was messed with smiley - sadface

I fell over 3 weeks ago in canada while i was out shopping at the mall
i felt just like you.

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