This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*
hi princess
azahar Started conversation Mar 30, 2006
Hi, it's me az.
Thought it better to talk to you here rather than keep it on the other thread which is, basically, about laws regarding sex offenders.
I think you were quite brave to talk about your feelings there. I also did this a bit there too. But I did it to make a point or two.
Some people there misunderstood me, but that's okay. I'm rather used to the 'rough and tumble' of debating on hootoo.
SoRB is actually a very nice guy, you may be surprised to know. He would have every sympathy for what you have gone through, but he also had a few ideas that are also his right to post in a debate thread. I think you were perhaps feeling a bit oversensitive if you thought he was ever replying directly to you. I never saw this as being the case.
One thing I've learned about debating on hootoo is that some personal anecdotal stuff can be quite illuminating for others on a particular thread, but in the end it *is* always just a personal opinion and a reference to how one personally feels about something.
People are usually not being either cold or rejecting you because they want to carry on with the debate at hand. It's just that they accept that you have had your say and if you have nothing further to add then they will move on. That's the whole debate thing.
There are other places on hootoo that offer support for people like us and those are the places to really talk about your feelings. Because that is what those particular threads are all about.
I'm sorry you felt hurt, but I do think that nobody meant to hurt you or dismiss anything you said. Okay?
I see you're also a pal of my friend BH and often show up on his MANY journal entries. Anyhow, nice to meet you and I hope you feel welcome to chat with me anytime you like.
hi princess
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Mar 31, 2006
Hi az
Thanks,for coming on my space and talking with me,
I didn't think Sorb was direct his comments at me he also upset kaz and few other women on here.
I didn't take affence i was just protecting the other females who have been abused i thought what he was saying was very bad and he should take it from our point view not judge us.
I'm lucky in many ways i've been cured of what i went through i still get mad at times when i hear or read that others blame us for what happend, i've got on with my life with my partner he the best he knows about my past didn't judge me he took me for what i am, at the moment we are have IVF treatment to have children I've waited so long for this to happen we have talked about all.
my partner says i'm very i still find the odd forum conversation upsetting, but i learn to deal with it now, i tend tell who they are off and add a mad little reply now and again.
i realy hope kaz gets cured and others too of what they went throught i was cured i still have nightmares but his face not in them anymore i'm free i'm making each day new day.
how are you then ?
Take care
hi princess
azahar Posted Mar 31, 2006
hi there,
Well, SoRB was making comments about people who attempt suicide, which most people there didn't agree with. He said nothing at all about 'blaming' abuse victims - that was something read into his posts by some others, as far as I can see.
Glad to hear you have such a supportive partner, though I'm not sure about usind the word 'cured' to describe what I think is essentially a healing process. Seems to be more about acceptance and moving on with our lives. No, not accepting what happened per se, but rather accepting it as part of the many things that have happened to us while growing up (since we obviously can't change that) and finding ways of coping with the feelings that left us with.
It certainly sounds like with the help of your partner you are coping very well and are making some very positive plans for the future.
I'm also lucky to have a very supportive partner who understands when I get occasional 'moments' of feeling afraid, etc. He never judges me and helps me by being as loving and understanding as he can. And like you, I take things a day at a time and try to make each day the best it can be.
Hey, while I'm here I thought I'd show you my h2g2 friends photo gallery in case you'd like to join us there.
hi princess
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Mar 31, 2006
Hi az
Yes i would like join you all my pictures are already on that web site some where I'll try find them and add them to your collection
hi princess
azahar Posted Mar 31, 2006
Your pics are already on which website - Fotki? Well, you can pick a couple that you like and send them to me by email. Or else just post a link to them here and I can copy them.
hi princess
azahar Posted Mar 31, 2006
If you have photos on Fotki you can right click on the URL and then click on 'copy' and then 'paste' the URL for that photo here.
hi princess
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Mar 31, 2006
I've not been able to do that yet as i aint a clue what a URL is I'm still reading about it my man gets this magazine for which i learn from you know it took me three months to learn how use a mobile phone took i six months to use a fax I'm hopeless when it come's to PC side thing's
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hi princess
- 1: azahar (Mar 30, 2006)
- 2: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Mar 31, 2006)
- 3: azahar (Mar 31, 2006)
- 4: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Mar 31, 2006)
- 5: azahar (Mar 31, 2006)
- 6: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Mar 31, 2006)
- 7: azahar (Mar 31, 2006)
- 8: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Mar 31, 2006)
- 9: azahar (Mar 31, 2006)
- 10: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Mar 31, 2006)
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