This is the Message Centre for SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006
Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0) Started conversation Apr 12, 2003
hiyyyyaaaa marc
howz u babe,...
happy birthday 4yesterday...4the delay ...
>>>blowup doll
howz u anyway babe,,,im fedup(men
sorry but i dont know any bathroom fitters(the 1 i got wuz out of local paper)
&the pub u drove2 is just down road from me...
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Apr 14, 2003
i haven`t replied to this but as you can see if you go on my space and read `Hi loup`
and with the tea shoppe and the pop quiz and also trying to help one or two get there hompages set up i am a very busy boy..glad i found roughly the area where you are and i can understand why Golborne is difficult for you to find..god your miles from anywhere i thought i had got the blow up doll..but it hasn`t blown me up yet..prefare the real thing..just not sure where your valve is.. big big
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Apr 14, 2003
Hi EM thanks for the coffee really strong and black just how i like my women hahahahaha..think we found the right job for you there..It`s not the windscreen you should feel for it`s the little s**t who did it cos once i get hold of him he is dead
meat..i don`t know if you know but i am 7th kyu at karate tia noy sing..and that is no bull..only trouble is he has got to throw the first punch in front of witnesses before i can kill him..have you had a look at this weeks pop quiz/rock quiz should be right up your street this want to join .. the not so
Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0) Posted Apr 14, 2003
lmao...poor kid.
n 7th..wot????....over my head that
no not seen quiz yet,il check it out now..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>brb
Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0) Posted Apr 14, 2003
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Apr 14, 2003
i know the first one i forgot to ask if they was all same year or not...7th kyu (pronounced Q )is my grading for the karate means i
can kick some ass if they start trouble and if they come at me with a stick or knives they will be making a big we going to put our heads together for the quiz?? ing down
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- 1: Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0) (Apr 12, 2003)
- 2: SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 (Apr 14, 2003)
- 3: SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 (Apr 14, 2003)
- 4: Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0) (Apr 14, 2003)
- 5: Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0) (Apr 14, 2003)
- 6: SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 (Apr 14, 2003)
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