This is the Message Centre for Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 21

lovelychikispirit (what's in a name?)

I have spent a lot of time daydreaming, a lot of time believing in people, a lot of time analysing the way people work (or don't as seems to be the case these days)and I am especially interested in the concept of how a meeting should or shouldn't be run and what conclusions they arrive at (or don't) which usually appears to be the case these days.

Are you English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, American or Canadian?
Please don't be offended if I wrote that in the wrong order.

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 22

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

I am 3 quarters English, 1 quarter Spanish smiley - smiley

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 23

lovelychikispirit (what's in a name?)

Muy bien, vamos hablar espanol entonces smiley - rainbow

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 24

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

I just speak a little spanish smiley - smiley

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 25

lovelychikispirit (what's in a name?)

Would you rather speak English?

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 26

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

I would, saves my brain exploding smiley - winkeye

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 27

lovelychikispirit (what's in a name?)

Brilliant! I am trying to update my space. I am actually quite pleased with it smiley - blush even if I may say so myself.

Have you met any exploding smiley - cats recently?

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 28

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

The link for 'this is a helpful woman' doesn't seem to be working

Nope, no exploding cats smiley - smiley

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 29

lovelychikispirit (what's in a name?)

Isn't it. Let me go and see. smiley - run

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 30

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

smiley - ok

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 31

lovelychikispirit (what's in a name?)

Oh! I shouldn't worry about it, she's a smiley - senior teacher and can be quite crabbit sometimes. It's worth talking to her when she's on line. She has a lot to offer. smiley - musicalnote

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 32

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

well the link is still not working so I can't smiley - smiley

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 33

lovelychikispirit (what's in a name?)

In the spiritual way of things, sweetheart, if something works it is because it is supposed to work and if it function properly it is because 'Spirit' has another divine plan for it.

Take care today my sweet smiley - love

smiley - peacedove

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 34

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

that was profound but true

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 35

lovelychikispirit (what's in a name?)

Is everything alright now?

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 36

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

everythings fine with me smiley - smiley

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 37

lovelychikispirit (what's in a name?)

Good, well you'd better go and find ladye_seagull because she's feeling smiley - blue today. A bunch of smiley - pirate are just about to slaughter her friend's husband. smiley - angel

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 38

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail


strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 39

lovelychikispirit (what's in a name?)

Do they do 'snowboarding' where you come from? smiley - surfer

strengths weaknessess weapons

Post 40

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

I live in England so we have to go else where unless we go to an artifical slope

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