Journal Entries

Sexuality and Love

Epiphany hit me today.

People fall in love with People, Not Genders.
You can be straight and fall in love with someone of the same gender.
You can be gay and fall in love with someonen of the opposite gender.
Love can't be controlled.
Love will strike at will despite whatever label you wear.
Attraction has nothing to do with it, because Attraction can be
Enhanced or Smothered.
Only Love matters.
And Love doesn't care what you prefer, think, or want.
People fall in love with People, Regardless of Everything Else.

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Latest reply: Jun 12, 2002

Musings.... A garden

smiley - roseFragrant blossoms welcome my nose as I step out into my garden. Once again spring has come. A cool breeze brushes past me and clears my mind. I am home. Here, among the tangle of green stalks and soft petals, I belong. No one judges me here. The flowers care naught about me, unless I should forget to give them their drink. Bright flashes of vivacious pinks, blues, violets, and golds capture my eyes and I am content. Content to stay lost among the wild tangle that Is. A soft twittering of bird’s song and the quiet rustle of wind through branches still my senses and I lay down. Down on the moist earth that gives birth to life. Down on the soft ground surrounded by Nature’s sweet beauty. Down into the world that only Is. I lie there and let life pass over me in the careless breezes that betray time. I lay and rest my worn body amongst the lilies. Not rising for Sun not moon nor rain, but instead only sleeping and dreaming in my wild garden that only exists as Is.

This is a musing. A thought captured by words. A scene. I’d like to know if this idea of a garden where there is no past or future, but only the moment brings a sense of serenity to anyone else. This is my peaceful place.

What's yours?

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Latest reply: Jun 8, 2002

Wednesday, June Something...

I have decided to start posting stories. Here in my Journal.
There's really no reason why I can't is there? Sometimes they'll be stories, sometimes poems, and you might find the occasional fanfic. Anyway... I can't let this space go to waste. So anyway, tell me what you think of my writing. What can I fix? What is good? What is bad? Did you like it? Yes? No? Why? Please help a stuggling author-to-be.

Hm... this is a rather old poem, but since my brother erased our hard drive recently and I can't access my profile at fafic (where I store some of my poetry), this is what you get. Just know, that I *have* improved, but it might be a good contrasting poem, I guess.


I was young and restless
Longing for a fairy tale
Planting seeds of my dreams
But to no avail.

While others worked at their crop
I played in the sun’s world
I’m there still.
Trying to stay a child.

We have but one chance at life
I wasted mine away
I could have reaped realities
Instead I decided to play.

Watch out and take care
Tend carefully to your dreams
And if you work hard
Your seedlings will bear realities.

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Latest reply: Jun 6, 2002

May 30th

Well, technically I'm not allowed to be on. Thus I must be very quiet and type very slowly.

Anyway, I have SATs in two days and frankly, I'm scared to death. Any kind words of reassurment (sp) would be accepted gratefully.

Well. I don't have a lot to say, except that I'm finally ungrounded. Thus this message. Oh, and that I'm writing an entry.



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Latest reply: May 31, 2002

May 4th

It's 11:29 at night and I'm sitting in front of my computer trying to find something to do. I'm technically grounded from the Net, but the fact that my parents took all my siblings out to see a sold-out movie that started right as I got off work, I have special permission to use it. Yay.

Anyway. Today has been interesting. A local park hosted a History Festival. I attended of course. The SCA (a wonderful group, ignore what the guide has to say!) had set up there. Time passed. I left. I worked. I came home. I ate. And that brings me to now; sitting in front of my computer.

It's amazing the sheer amount of things you can find to do when you have nothing to do. Hm...

I want and don't want to go over to a friend's house right now. She's my best friend, but... She's extremely chipper 24/7. And that can be wearing. ...I guess that's why we're such great friends, we balance each other out.

Want to read a poem of mine? It's slightly dark and the first in the trilogy. Not all of my poetry is this morbid, but if you like it, I'll put up the rest of the trilogy as well.

~She was so sweet, so innocent... A perfect flower in existance, worthy of eternal preservation...~

*First Innocent*

This one's head is curled tight
Upon a pillow snowy white
With dark curls all fanned out
Like a crown unto a Queen.

Shall I tell you what I did?
How I muffled all her screams?
How I watched her slowly die
Beneath my heaving hand?

She never knew that I was there
I waited till she laid to sleep
Then lost myself to ecstacy
And smothered her to death.

Hm... Not exactly uplifting is it? Hm... Might be my mood.

Anyway, I'm bored. Anyone want to IM me?


Come on... Please?

Well... The day goes on. It's 11:38 and I'm still sitting, quietly as Adult Swim plays loudly on my set. Life goes on... and so shall I.



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Latest reply: May 5, 2002

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