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Hi there Brian

Post 1


I've written a few sciency-type guide entries, so maybe I can help you get started a little.
When you start writing the full-on big-time "Neuro-Evolution" article, which, by the way , is an area of particular interest to me, you should start with an outline.

I know, you've no doubt written thousands of papers in your life and you know who to do it. . .
but with science stuff that you're working on, I love to get tons of links from H2G2 and from the web to toss in. It's easy to do that if i've already got a framework in place.

Also, because these entries can be sooooo looooong (I've got an unfinished article on the Metabolic Syndrome that is just too long for me to finish) If you set up your headers and subheaders, you can add material gradually and not get lost in your own work.

You can visit me at: U158503 and click on More Guide Entries way at the bottom of the page on the right, the older entries are far more complete.
Or you can visit me at the Junkyard A777305, I have some more article and stuff here.
smiley - cheers
ps. once you start writing an article you can alter your personal space by cliking the tag on the right. You can include a link to your article in your homepage if you wish, or you can just let people scroll down to the articles section.

Hi there Brian

Post 2


Hello Friar,

Thanks for your reponse. I really am at a loss to know procedure and direction. Normally the layout of any project becomes self evident when the 'components' are visible. The problem arises from the complexity through the simple process of evolution. The idea starts with a need to describe the nature of sub atomic particles and by demonstration thereafter, describe Mankinds 'raison d'etre'. Its a giant leap.

I should say at the onset I think my conclusions are politically suspect. If I describe 'neuro-theology' as a 'misnomer' its because I describe 'religion' as an element on a waveband I call 'fantasy'. Even in context of the whole chapter, this might be offensive to many. So some advice would be appreciated.

The good side is the different way certain areas of human endevour might be perceived. An alternative view spanning the ups and downs of Being, whatever you are, man or beast. So I'm thinking different learning techniques and different approach to some areas of disfunctional behaviour et cetera.

I could send you a precis from my notes thus far. I must admit I've had no feed back from 'academia', so I don't even know if this notion is at all credible.



p.s. You'll have to advise on sending an attachment

Hi there Brian

Post 3


OK first; how comfortable are you with the GuideML language?

There are a few basic tags that you'll NEED, and that's it.
See the GuideML Clinic for details. Don't worry it's easy.

Then on to the entry.
When I'm dealing with a confusing topic I always have a Preamble.
Mind you this is NOT an introduction. Instead of talking about the material I talk about the language I need to use to talk about the material. A few paragraphs that help define YOUR language for YOUR reader. Kind of like a map at the front of a novel. The trick to avoiding offense is to say so explicitly. And to either use widely accepted language or to find language that is easy enough to swallow. For example, if I wanted to talk about American beer, and defined it as noxious swill, there would be little problem, but if I wanted to talk about Golf as a total waste of time, many would be up in arms, instead I might say "in my opinion", but remember if it's opinion it might not be a fitting definition.

Then in the introduction I would say lay out a Table of Contents for my article.

-The idea starts with a need to describe the nature of sub atomic
-particles and by demonstration thereafter, describe Mankinds 'raison
-d'etre'. Its a giant leap.

Ok well, best advice (which I constantly forget to remind myself) is to keep it short.

There is probably little academic *fact* that you can refer to for the article, but you might be able to find edited guide entries about neuroanatomy/neurology/evolution/religion to which you may reference. That would lighten your load a bit.

Alternatively, you can subdivide your work and write a smaller more manageable article or write a big, bt not detailed article.

As far as evolution and behavior/learning techniques etc. are concerned that is a great area and there is a lot of academic support. I'm crazy busy until friday, but I'll rty and dig some up.

About forwarding notes:
best advice, cut and past them onto an Guide Entry, edit them so that they're in some order and articulate, then drop me a line and I can take a look.

[sorry I don't use email on h2g2]
smiley - cheers

Hi there Brian

Post 4


Hi Friar,

Am assessing presentation as a 'set' of inter-related statements. It seems the 'journal' might be the way. Also I am unable to see how one prints from h2g2 and can one import a word doc directly into the guide entry ?

I'm looking at my Idiot's Guide, frankly I've only just got the hang of two tin cans and a piece of string ! Bear with me, its worth it.



Hi there Brian

Post 5


Best advice for bringing stuff over from word documents:

make sure it's NOT formatted, the guide might not read it.
make sure it's the right length for the right place. i.e. journal probably no more than 1-2 paragrpahs, otherwise guide entry.

You can enter a guide entry withouth using the guideML language and it's turn out muchlike the text in these conversation boxes. To do a proper guide entry you need to use the GuideML.
basically it's bunch of TAGS that format your text so that it can be read as a proper web page.
You should try a few short Guide ML entries before you commit a lot of writing to it. It can be a pain sometimes, but the results can be really nice.

If you're just comprising a set of statements, just notes really, not a formal collection or text, then the journal might be the best place.
Just enter a thgouth for each entry. be sure to give good titles so you can organize them for yourself.

E.G. "Thoughts on neuronal growth 1.0"
"Defining religion, part 1 of 5"

Have fun!
smiley - cheers

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