This is the Message Centre for Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 101

Lighthousegirl - back on board

You mean that was not it smiley - blackcat

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 102


Eeek!!! Light has grown 100 mile long fingers to be able to type near Oxford whilst sitting in Brum!!

smiley - run in great fear........

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 103

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* giggles *

Light is at the Lighthouse! Long and complicated week I have been all over the shop ...

And I have a bonus night here smiley - biggrin

Even better it looks like I will finish on Sat in time to make Reading - will you be there?

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 104


Yes I will smiley - smiley
Not sure what time I'll be there though, but I have directions, descriptions and a mobile phone number, so I guess I'll be just fine smiley - ok

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 105

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Fantastic - I think I am looking at about 6pm ...

Dont have mobile numbers, locations or direction ...

Must get organised smiley - erm (fat chance of that!)

Does however look like I will have to drive ...

Would you be able to mail me what you have or point me in the right direction ...

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 106


Sure no problem.

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 107

Lighthousegirl - back on board

message recieved - I dont know Reading either but hey what the heck!

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 108

Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

I hope you both had a nice time - I was playing so couldn't make it smiley - blackcat

Many "Familiar" faces? smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 109


Uncle Heavy threw up, so no change there smiley - smiley

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 110

Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

I think the powers that be should make a smiley, for his personal exclusive use smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 111


Consider it done smiley - ok


Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 112

Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

Nice one smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 113

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* giggles *

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 114

Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

I say Dark Disciple #3 - did you know you now have a special mention at The Ministry's own space? smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 115

Lighthousegirl - back on board

I do * blush * smiley - blackcat

* goes to look * smiley - blackcat

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 116

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* returns * smiley - blackcat

* blush * smiley - blackcat

Well Minister was there any other association to be made smiley - blackcat

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 117


*trips over some bloody cat in the gloom*

smiley - steamsmiley - injured

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 118

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* giggles * smiley - blackcat

* unpacks smiley - nurse uniform * smiley - blackcat

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 119


If I promise to be more respectful to The Minister will I be allowed to join? smiley - blackcat

After all, the smiley - blackcat does speak to me secretly smiley - blackcat

Likes a lighter shade of black

Post 120

Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

A smiley - nurse uniform #3 - that I'd like to see smiley - blackcat

Catwoman - I have left you an invitation elsewhere smiley - blackcat

What do the smiley - blackcats say to you? smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

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