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The Three Oaths

Post 1

Sir Stu, The Green Paladin of Feasting and Keeper of the Kitchen for the Knights of h2g2, and the Thingites

Hi Guse...
I wanted to ask you to ponder something that I thought of about the three oaths...particularly the third ("Never to use the One Power as a weapon except against Shadowspawn, or in the last extreme defense of her own life or that of her Warder or another Aes Sedai") If that is tied to their body...How was Elaida able to interrogate Siuan and use the One Power as a source of pain, thus as a weapon? the only way would be that if Elaida convinced herself that Siuan was shadowspawn...but that all doesn't make sense...can you help me out?

The Three Oaths

Post 2

Goose:Keeper of Squeaky Rubber Duckies and Other Assorted Squeaky Toys

Perhaps if they believed Siuan could be a danger to the other sisters by her secrets they would be able to interrogate her with the power.
That is my best guess.

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