This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Summer mini meet

Post 21


Summer hols would probably be a bit of a pain unfortunately , and yes our Josh is terrified of 2 legs ,only hootooer that scares him more is B smiley - rofl

A pub (obviously smiley - winkeye) victoriaish one afternoon? I can't get too far at the mo

Summer mini meet

Post 22

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

How about nearish Kings Cross; thats pretty easy from you isn't it on the thames link trains? smiley - erm There is a nice ickle pub there ... Eustion flyer I think its called, which Roymondo and I have blessed with our presence a few times smiley - ale and they do a few decent real ales smiley - ale one Saturday? Not tooooo soon though as I've been away a bit recently and need to spend a bit of time at home at the weekends to catch up with stuff I can't get done during the weekdays smiley - groan Shouldn't see it as a problem though, last couple of years the mini meets seem to have dropped off a bit in London we used to seem to ahve a fair few of them (were they useually at the Princess louise or shakespears head I seem to recall) smiley - weirdsmiley - ufo

Summer mini meet

Post 23

A Super Furry Animal

The Princess Louise has had a refit so now instead of an open bar, they have a number of "snugs" around the horseshoe bar. If we could bag one of them on a Saturday afternoon (I don't think they get very busy on Saturdays)...

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Summer mini meet

Post 24


kings cross is fine for us smiley - ok

ive never been in the princess louise!

Summer mini meet

Post 25

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Wouldn't it be preferable to find somewhere with a beer garden? There's a whole heap of sunshine out there of late. smiley - smiley

Summer mini meet

Post 26

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I know plenty pubs with nice beer gardens.... unfortunatley their all either in Cambridge or Suffolk/Norfolk.... some of them are even besides nice bits of rivers and thigns smiley - doh

Summer mini meet

Post 27

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


There is already a 12-13 July meet organised for Hull: A35488155

Summer mini meet

Post 28


I can't go the shops and back without burning and a headache , I think I'd melt in the sun all afternoon smiley - laugh

Summer mini meet

Post 29


ooooh GB I've been to Yorkshire for the first time a few weeks ago! Twas lovely smiley - smiley

I think I could be tempted to come along to one of these for the first time in like 5 years.... hehe

Definately not bringing my children though, someone would have to be a responsible adult for them, and me mixed with wine or any other alcohol does not make for one of those smiley - winkeye

Summer mini meet

Post 30


you have to come to london cos i said so smiley - tongueout

now go and have a poo smiley - laugh

Summer mini meet

Post 31


We just booked a wee holiday for the week starting 21st July, but any other time is ok smiley - ok

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