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The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 41


hiya leggsysmiley - hug

icertainly feel better for something to eat and drink een though i didnt fancy i at the time! now if i could just sop feeling anxious andbe myself again! im especially hating the part where i keep getting a horrible nagging feeling ill die before xmas!~smiley - erm

The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 42


I seem to have killed his thread anyway! smiley - laugh

The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 43

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Killed it? I just came here!smiley - cross

The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 44


ill put the kettle on then smiley - winkeye

The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 45


no one wanting a cuppa then? smiley - winkeye

or something stronger perhaps?

The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 46


Oy, Roy Boy; oi'll foight ya fer de Johnny Depp orlroight?

*let us co-opereate on the plot to deal with barbieparadis*smiley - winkeye

Any better now Seraphina? If your asthma stuff is anything like mine, cold & stress are the main triggers, combine Christmas with smiley - brr & it's fairly inevitable!

I'm sure snuggling up with JD would be helpful.....smiley - whistle


The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 47

Skankyrich [?]

I'll have a cuppa. It might help me sober up from the online beerfest smiley - smiley

The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 48


I'm doing ok at the moment Terri smiley - cheers been chatting on here and on MSN with genies mum for the last couple of hours n its really helping take my mind off things. Have a nasty pain in my chest at the mo though..theres been faint there on n off all week but this is a bit worse and more constant. iknow anxiety can cause chest pain, but how long do you ignore it and hope it goes away for? i had a clear ecg earlier today...

The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 49


beerfest? smiley - bigeyes

The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 50


*hijacks thread*

Oy, you lot; esp Seraphina; Skanky & Roy:

If you stand any chence of Xmas cards & silly trinkets, email me with up to date address & 3 fave, 'cos last posting date may be tomorrow or Monday!!!!!


The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 51

Skankyrich [?]

Oh, yes smiley - smiley


The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 52

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)


The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 53

Skankyrich [?]

You might have to remind me tomorrow, Terri smiley - winkeye

The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 54


(And 2legs; obviously, plus all the badgers &


I failed to men/woman/tion....)


The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 55


oooh! 'pokes at link'

sorry terri, im very forgetful at the mo! y fave 3 colours are purple, dark green and royal blue and ill send you my addy asap.

The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 56

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I don't have any favourite colours.

The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 57


Excellent, thou shall have one i made previously.smiley - cheers

But i do need an address 'escargot-mail' to send it to, so email me on my zendevil/wanadoo thing please.


The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 58


Seraphina: noted colours, will get weaving...interestingly, you have similiar faves to FF.... what colours do the kids, BF & rats like?


The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 59


FF? see my memories gone!

Ged likes blue blue and blue, josh likes red and blue and flash likes anything she can get her hands on! Little Lillie passes away a couple of weeks ago smiley - sadface she hadnt been looking too hot and making a funny nose for a while,off her food etc..thought she hhad a cold.turned out to be myco and the anti bios were a bit too late if theyd ever hae helped at all much. We left to my mums for dinner and she was climbingthe bars all happy. came home later and when i wentto give her her medicine she was curled up in the corner gonefor the best really and flash seems to be coping well on her her own we wondered whether to get her a new friend but i think shes a bit old to take to anyone

The keeping Serephina distracted through severe anxiety spell thread!

Post 60


Aww...RIP Rattiesmiley - rose...a short life but a happy one. I agree that at that age probably Flash would find a new companion more of a hassle than a help. Yodasmiley - cat seems to be settling into middle-age happily, she likes her routines & comfort & being Warm, the odd smiley - cuddle...bit like her mum really!smiley - rolleyes


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