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Final fling? mwahahaha

Post 21


uggh I hope not! smiley - laugh

I want to go to the pub smiley - wah

Final fling? mwahahaha

Post 22

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Peeb! You grot-bag smiley - steam

I've now got images of Joey Tempest in my head and that aint good smiley - ill

Final fling? mwahahaha

Post 23


smiley - sorry..You had best take Serephina to the pub then..a few smiley - ales quickly removes all images from anyone's head.....but it replaces those images with a sudden realisation that a person can sing as good as the top musicians of all time.....smiley - rofl

smiley - cheers

Sir Peeb

Final fling? mwahahaha

Post 24


oohh karaoke?

smiley - bigeyessmiley - diva

Final fling? mwahahaha

Post 25

aka Bel - A87832164

Karaoke? Harakiri would be easier. smiley - laugh

Final fling? mwahahaha

Post 26

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

...and less painful smiley - rofl

Final fling? mwahahaha

Post 27

aka Bel - A87832164

True - at least for the audience. smiley - rofl
And much shorter. smiley - biggrin

Final fling? mwahahaha

Post 28


Karaoke translates to croaky and gravelly..smiley - laugh What do you say to your best pal, who sings terribly sober, but on entering a pub or club and after sinking a few smiley - ales, suddenly decides it would be smiley - magic to enter the karaoke contest and insists on performing a duet with you as the partner? Especially when you are musically inept as well?

I put a stop to this by telling my mate that I would only do it if we could sing 500 Miles, by The Proclaimers, and we had to do it with our Aussie accents.....smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

Sir Peeb

Final fling? mwahahaha

Post 29

Skankyrich [?]

I'm just smiley - lurking, as I'm not sure if that was a firm, open offer or not yet smiley - tongueout

Final fling? mwahahaha

Post 30


smiley - bigeyes

Final fling? mwahahaha

Post 31

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - lurk

Final fling? mwahahaha

Post 32


Serephina, if you do decide on a Final Fling, make sure the result is not a "bun in the oven", ready to pop out in 9 months time...smiley - rofl...

smiley - cheers

Sir Peeb

Final fling? mwahahaha

Post 33

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I'll fling you into a river if you like binty smiley - tongueout

Final fling? mwahahaha

Post 34


pish off smiley - tongueout

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