This is the Message Centre for Serephina

birthday pishup- the log

Post 41


yes you do dyson trousers smiley - tongueout

birthday pishup- the log

Post 42


smiley - laugh sounds like you had a great time..I'm glad, you deserved a really great birthdaysmiley - smooch

birthday pishup- the log

Post 43

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

The first post's back!smiley - biggrin

birthday pishup- the log

Post 44



I sound like lilly savage today smiley - hangover

birthday pishup- the log

Post 45


sorry tabs..missed you there smiley - hugsmiley - cheers

birthday pishup- the log

Post 46

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I think suicide tuesday has come early smiley - hangoversmiley - headhurtssmiley - sleepysmiley - cdoublesmiley - weirdsmiley - snorksmiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin actually good long nights sleep last night appears to have worked wonders smiley - magicsmiley - biggrinI trus everyone is sufficiently recovered now? smiley - biggrin

birthday pishup- the log

Post 47


suicide tuesday only happens with certain substances other tan alcohol dear..what were you not telling us? smiley - rofl

birthday pishup- the log

Post 48


smiley - rofl

I can't see Roymondo's photos! smiley - wah

I was sooooo smiley - drunk... marvelous

Had a great night, and a long walk home... smiley - somersault

birthday pishup- the log

Post 49

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

They're set for public thingy so you should be able to see them. Maybe your computer's trying to protect you?

birthday pishup- the log

Post 50


Could be... it keeps asking me to login, which I do... but it still won't let me see them!

birthday pishup- the log

Post 51


you can see them on mine later

birthday pishup- the log

Post 52


just remembered something to add to the log..

time unkown..roymondo declared barbitch for the night and suitably heckled

birthday pishup- the log

Post 53


smiley - whistle

birthday pishup- the log

Post 54


any caption suggestions welcomesmiley - laugh

birthday pishup- the log

Post 55


'scratches bum'

'makes smiley - tea'

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